Nominees react to Oscar nominations

“That’s a no-brainer. Actors need writers. You know scripts don’t write themselves. I’m here because this part is so well-written.” — Supporting actress nominee Amy Ryan, on why she won’t attend the Oscars ceremony if writers are still on strike.

“I won the Golden Globe and it feels strange to be on the sofa watching the TV while they’re saying your name. But at the same time you have to wear a tuxedo and walk the carpet, so everything in life is good and bad. Who likes the carpet? It’s an exciting moment, but again it’s the carpet that you have to do for an hour answering the same questions, so it’s kind of weird.” — Supporting actor nominee Javier Bardem, on the pros and cons of skipping the Oscar ceremony if the writers are still on strike.

You put me shoulder to shoulder with a group of fine actors. I’m proud to be in their company and to have the broader recognition for the film is a lovely thing.” — Daniel Day-Lewis, best actor nominee for “There Will Be Blood.”

It’s as if I had swallowed some fireworks or something like this. My friends and my family in Paris, they are so happy.” — Marion Cotillard, on her best actress nomination for “La Vie en Rose.”

There were a lot of candidates and a lot of the awards shows or organizations this year have had different mixes of people. It was nice to see Tommy Lee Jones in there. He hadn’t been in so much of the mix and when I saw his name come up and there was only one name left to go, I thought, ‘Naah, well, there’s no way (I’ll be nominated).’ So to be honest, I was quite surprised.” — Viggo Mortensen, on his best actor nomination for “Eastern Promises.”

To be honest, I was really hoping that both pictures got in. It would have been a very leavening part of the experience if only one made it, almost better if neither had rather than just one, because you love your children equally and you want the best for both.” — Scott Rudin, producer of “No Country for Old Men” and executive producer of “There Will Be Blood,” both nominated for best picture Oscars.

It’s unbelievable. Mom and I were in bed and dad was waiting up for the announcements again, because that’s the way my daddy is. It’s kind of a bit weird actually, in a good way, in a fantastic way. I never expected this in a million years to happen. I can’t believe it. I’m really proud as well that two Irish paddies have been nominated for an Oscar for the same film. It’s really great for Ireland, great” — 13-year-old Saoirse Ronan, nominated for supporting actress for “Atonement.” Fellow Irishman Seamus McGarvey was nominated for cinematography.

I’m pretty sure that I won’t win, but it’s thrilling to think there are five people and you are in the top five.” — Tom Wilkinson, supporting actor nominee for “Michael Clayton.”

I would never cross a picket line ever. I couldn’t. I’m a 20-year member of the Writers Guild. I think whatever they work out is going to be one way or the other but, no, I could never cross a picket line. I think there’s a lot of people who feel that way.” — Tony Gilroy, nominated for best director for “Michael Clayton.”

No, if there’s a strike I will not go but I have a feeling they’ll solve it. I hope they do. I’m sure my mom would like to see me on TV and so forth, but if there’s a strike I’m not crossing the line.” — Viggo Mortensen, nominated for best actor for “Eastern Promises.”

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