
Freeman Cebu Business

Happy New Year!

BUSINESS AFTER BUSINESS - Romelinda Garces - The Freeman

As we turn the pages of the calendar to welcome another year, I hope that in spite of the many uncertainties we face, we still have our faith and trust intact.

The rising cost of utilities, roller coaster fuel trends, increase in cost of basic commodities, not to mention the valued daily ingredient of onions.

Slight to heavy rains continue to water the land to the level of loosening the soil and threatening the crops that have just about peeked out of the earth. Climate change is a worldwide phenomenon and no first world country is exempted as we have noted in the news.

The ominous cloud of war that has held the world in abeyance. Everyone is sitting still, waiting for something to erupt. Hoping that God will intervene and let peace prevail. He will, I am sure. Maybe not now, or yet.

We are to be happy as we slowly let go of the masks in certain areas. Though we are wary of the incessant mutation of the virus. We have to choose between showing off the new shade of lipstick or sustain our supply of masks and sanitizers to be on the safe side.

There is no harm in being cautious I think. It is best to be prepared rather than be swept by a dilemma of regret.

Now the Sinulog is gearing to go. It is said that there is a 200% increase in the number of churchgoers. Perhaps people are happy and grateful for being able to hurdle almost three years of COVID-related fears.

As of this writing the rain is unrelenting in its sprinkle. I pray that it stops before the Mardi Gras begins otherwise we will be exposing the participants to health risks. I also hope our sewage doesn’t get overwhelmed again with the constant flow of debris and flotsam that may clog the rains and bring in floods. Sometimes the water covers a deep pothole that gets motorists, particularly two-wheelers staggering as they land in one and lose their balance.

For business, things seem to be picking up if we take parking slots as an indicator. It is hard to find parking space, and with Sinulog clearly in the air in spite of the weather, we expect more traffic. We hope that despite the carry over of foreboding circumstances, we will endure because we have God on our side.

It’s too early to mark the year portentous. I am looking forward to happy days. For they say, when the rain comes, with it also falls a shower of blessings.

Every day is worth praise!

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