
Freeman Cebu Business

Florist relies on passion to succeed in business

John M. Destacamento - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - Dealing with the challenges of a self-owned floral arrangement business while looking after her eight kids at the same time, floral designer Joy Ceniza considers herself a wonderwoman.

Mandaue City’s rising star in floral arrangement for weddings of average-income couples, Ceniza believes one has to stay true to their passion in life.

For others, it could be flying planes,speeding up cars or just plain baking, “but for me, the thing that had captured my heart since my elementary days is the art of arranging flowers.”

Ceniza’s Flowers and Choir Events, a four-year-old enterprise registered under the Department of Trade and Industry, evolved from a simple love for flowers to a now competitive business endeavor.

Over the years, Ceniza has learned the ropes of the game, from tying up with some of Cebu’s famous photographers to managing a choir of college students, both as a form of added value.

In 2011, Ceniza took a break from her job as an account executive of a furniture-exporting firm after the haunting ripples the global financial crackdown in the US took their toll on Philippine local exporters.

That was also about the same time that Ceniza rekindled with her childhood passion on flowers.

“I took it as an opportunity, rather than a threat,” she said. “It also came timely—and perhaps, God had a better plan for me—as I wanted to focus on nursing my children who are now all studying.”

From low overheard and minimal operational expenses to zero commuting time; from the ability to be home with young children to the ability to involve other members of the household in a family business, Ceniza itemized the beauty of running a business that is floral arranging.

“Today, with the increasing popularity of telecommuting in the modern world, it’s becoming increasingly common for people to earn their living right from home, so there is no need to be concerned that you will be taken less seriously as a home-based wedding floral designer,” said Ceniza.

In fact, for her, the home-based operation is very suitable for wedding floral designers because of the intimate, comfortable and more personal environment it provides for the bride to meet with her.

But aside from her passion for flower decorations, she said she is also particularly interested in weddings. This interest, she thinks, makes the whole thing work altogether.

“Working with weddings is fun, glamorous, exciting and always interesting. Weddings are a romantic and prestigious area of floral design. Every bride is different, every wedding is unique, so you'll enjoy new experiences all the time. Your work will never be dull or boring, and you'll always be surrounded by giddy, happy people,” she said.

Ceniza deems it deeply rewarding to play a role in the happiest and most important day of people's lives.

“Their excitement is contagious and inevitably rubs off on you. The personal satisfaction which you experience when working with couples in planning the day they have been dreaming of for their entire lives will surpass even your greatest expectations,” the joyous florist shared.

At 50, Ceniza is one of those who have found great value on the existence of the Internet and social networking sites for the furtherance of her business.

Most of her customers found out about her offerings through the website which she immediately put up to boost her marketing. Her company’s Facebook page has also helped her gain recognition from various prospective customers.

Since most of the transactions are done online, Ceniza emphasized the importance of keeping the value of integrity. She said it’s important not to break the customer’s trust.

She may have left her job to focus on this business and her family, but she also admitted that she was able to apply her learning from her previous work and incorporate it into her business. For instance, she is very keen on costing and everything else about the business that requires computation, and she said she owes it to the job she had before.

“It’s important to learn and keep learning,” she said.

Ceniza further revealed that January, May, June and December are the peak months for her business. This December, she has four reservations down the pipeline.

 â€œIf a business is rooted alone on the goal of earning profits, an entrepreneur is usually bound to fail. But if he or she ventures into something that is dear or close to his or her heart, then profits becomes only incidental to the business,” said Ceniza. (FREEMAN)

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