USJ-R PSS tops debate contest

CEBU, Philippines - For the fourth time around, the University of San Jose-Recoletos Political Science Society (USJ-R PSS) debating team was hailed as champion during the Cebu Political Science Students’ Congress 2013.

The inter-college university debate was spearheaded by the University of the Philippines-Cebu in collaboration with the Cebu Association of Political Science Organization (CAPSO) and was held  at the UP Cebu campus.

The USJ-R PSS debating team, composed of two political science students ---  Judd Marx Colina, 3rd year, awarded as the best debater, and Geraldine Bantilan, 4th year, awarded as the best rebutalist --- was adjudged as best debating team.

The debate competition was participated by three of the most prestigious universities in Cebu namely: UP-Cebu, USJ-R and Cebu Normal University.

The debate followed the British Parliamentary format with adjudicators well-chosen by the organizing committee.

The event is annually organized to strengthen the connection among the member schools and develop political science students’ skill in argumentation and debate. (FREEMAN)

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