Demand for eco products keeps Phl exports alive

CEBU, Philippines - The Philippine exports such as  furniture, fashion accessories, as well as gifts, toys and housewares are seen to gain considerable market interest from the European market despite the ongoing financial woes.

That’s because Philippine export products are manufactured through green practices. And demand for green products is still on even in crisis-stricken Europe.

“Although there is a crisis in Europe, it doesn’t mean that people don’t have money. The market is there, not everybody is broke,” said European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ECCP) executive vice president Henry J. Schumacher.

Schumacher, who was in Cebu Tuesday, said that establishment of  the three-year European Commission  funded program called Smart-Cebu (SMEs for Environment Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency)  which started in 2010 has brought the Philippines, especially Cebu exporters, to higher level in terms of positioning and finding its niche in the competitive market.

According to Schumacher, Cebu exporters’ practice in green and sustainable operations provided them “immunity” from crisis stricken markets like Europe, as market continues to grow demanding for high-end and green products.

Recently, the Smart-Cebu program brought Cebuano exporters to different trade shows in Europe, such as in Paris and  Germany  to show off the world-class eco-designs of furniture, fashion accessories, and other products in gifts, toys, and houseware sector.

ECCP-Cebu executive director Roselu Paloma reported that Cebuano exporters brought home good orders from the European market, signifying that the market for eco-design is “alive” amid the financial crisis in Europe.

Schumacher reiterated that the huge European market is still there, however, he warned that exporters will have to see where the market is heading. And introducing a certified eco-design is one of the effective niches the Philippines should take.

Aside from Europe, Schumacher also mentioned a good consumer base for eco-design products in China, Thailand, Singapore and Japan.

The Smart-Cebu program has identified 450 companies that will be introduced into Resource, Efficiency, and Cleaner Production (RECP) platform for them to appreciate the benefits of operating an environment-friendly value-chain in their respective companies.

Of the 450 identified export companies, 150 have already undergone a thorough assessment from the experts, while 50 companies from each industry sector are being used as the example for good sustainability practice.

Because of this, Schumacher said, Cebu is now considered as the “heart” of sustainable designs, and that it is expected to lead and stay ahead of competition from other Asian countries like Thailand, among others.  

Buoyed by the success of the Smart-Cebu program, wherein companies are now able to see the profits, and benefits in adopting green and sustainable operation and production, Schumacher said that the program may go beyond Cebu, and will also be introduced in other provinces like Bohol and Negros.

The European Commission awarded 1.2 million Euro (approximately P65 million) grant to support the greening of Cebu industries and to help Cebu position itself as an important player in the “green” markets of Europe and Asia.

The program is implemented through the members of Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation Inc. (CFIF), Fashion Accessories Manufacturers and Exporters (FAME-Cebu), and the Gifts, Toys and Housewares Foundation Inc. (Cebu-GTH).

Smart-Cebu is being managed by a Germany-based non-government organization and international consulting firm called SEQUA.

SEQUA is responsible for developing the capability of Cebu Business Membership organizations or BMOs to undertake the advocacy to promote sustainable consumption and production of Cebu among their member SMEs. (FREEMAN)

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