Pilgrimage 101

 (Part 2)

Thank God, I got back home with my group last Wednesday noon, without any untoward incidents happening nor any unpleasant occurrences that may have taken place, considering the number of people converging in Rome at that time.  My group had the widest age range – from a 13-year-old student (my roommate) to those in their 70s and 80s.  This was why my constant prayer was for the well-being of everyone in my group.

Ours – The Montecassino/San Giovanni Rotondo Group #1 of Land & Sky/Delmar – was a most pleasant experience of a faith journey that took us to high mountains where we had to walk uphill to get to where we were supposed to be.  Considering that we had pilgrims who had difficulty in walking, this could have posed a problem – but there was none at all. Everyone caught up with the group.

A pilgrimage is a unique trip that is focused on one thing: a journey of the soul for a deeper relationship with God. Hence, it is not merely the physical dislocation; more so is it the spiritual spiral towards a transcendent experience.  Pilgrimage therefore is more of an inner travel, as the body moves from one place of pilgrimage to the next.  

It is mortifying to observe how people of faith withstand discomforts and otherwise annoying instances amidst their prayerful attitude. And the devil can be felt more  in these times when people aspire for holiness. I spoke several times with our Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. Joselito “Jun” Gutierrez  - the travel director of Land & Sky while I was the tour escort of Delmar Travel – how I was always tested for my impatience, be it with our drivers or with outside factors.  However, I was aware of these things and when they occurred, I would retract after my spontaneous reaction. Even during the canonization rites in St. Peter’s Square, I was tested.  I was using my umbrella while waiting for the start of the Mass, as it was very hot! I heard a complain from behind me to put down my umbrella.  It would have been all right if there was not that added remark: “Bata pa naman ang araw ah!” I pointedly looked back at about 4 or 5 young Filipinas.  That could have destroyed my mood – but I remembered the devil’s presence. I braved the scorching sun and tried to forget the impertinence of the young women at my back when the solemn Mass in Latin ensued.

The toilet amenities of St. Peter’s Square cannot accommodate 500,000 pilgrims.  It was not even enough for less than one-tenth that number when we were there on October 20.  The line was horrifyingly long, so we already knew it was impossible to use the toilet on Canonization Sunday. For me, I refrained from taking in any liquid – including water – from 10 pm on October 20 and all throughout the canonization rites. I only took a gulp of water at past 12 noon, when we were eating our packed lunch of a sandwich at our seats. (My breakfast was a boiled egg and half of a cheese & ham sandwich while queuing at 5:30 am outside St. Peter’s Square, waiting for the opening at 8 am.) Praise God, I never felt the need to go to the toilet the whole time…and so did the rest of my group! If there is a will to conquer the flesh, it can be done!

Now, about shopping – hah, that got you! Yes, it was a constant apprehension on us, the tour leaders, whenever there is a break in the schedule as the group members would really go shopping, be it for religious articles in stores around the Vatican, or in outlets in the pilgrimage sites we visited. We were amused that even the nuns were  joined the shopping throng, getting religious souvenirs wherever possible. This despite the prohibitive exchange of the euro to the peso. I for one was counting every euro spent as only cash was accepted in Montecassino & San Giovanni, even in the small shops around the Vatican. This was a good thing, as it curtailed my itch to buy. (Only stores that carry high-ticketed items accept credit card purchases.) Everyone was helping everyone else in the group to get the best buy, by telling us where the cheaper shop was.

Prayer was at the start of our pilgrimage, on our way to Montecassino from the airport.  Prayer was also with us in our way back to the airport on October 23. Glory be to God for His kindness to all of us pilgrims.

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