Former US Pinay nurses invest in organic multi-level business

CEBU, Philippines - To take advantage of the growing demand for health-friendly or organic products, two women entrepreneurs gave up their jobs in the United States to introduce all-organic products to the Philippine market through multi-level-marketing.

Cathy Englis and Catherine Salimbagon, who were nurses in the US, established the Organique Lifestyle and Nutrition Inc., to help Filipinos embrace a healthy lifestyle, at the same time earn.

Organique Lifestyle and Nutriton Inc., pioneers the distribution of all organically-made and registered products from the United States, start off with the offering of Nutrilife Acai berry juice brand, chi tea, Nutrisports drink, and Acai soap products.

With membership fee of P7,200, one can now start off a business of providing all-organic product at affordable prices, said Englis.

Although the market in the Philippines for organic products is still relatively new, although growing in a double-digit pace, Englis said that providing these health-friendly products to the mainstream market via MLM would help the average-earner market develop a good and healthy lifestyle.

“Nutrilife is a one-stop-shop multilevel business that not only provides health and wellness products to its clients but also opens up opportunities to earn. This is what the mainstream consumers should engage into,” she said.

Although, Englis had a good paying job in the United States, she said coming home and start off a business, while helping Filipinos to earn, is a worthwhile venture.

Now, that the popularity of organic products is growing in the Philippines, Cebu on the other hand is a good place to start, while it is known as the good “testing” market for most entrepreneurs.

So far, she said when the business started on February this year, the company now has created a good number of network businesses in major urban centers like Davao, and Manila.

Based on the company’s survey, an ordinary Filipino consumer now is starting to allocate budget for wellness, including the allocation of good food supplement, while choosing affordable health friendly products, including cosmetics and beauty care.

According to Englis, an average consumer can spend between P3,000 to P5,000 a month for food supplement and health related spending.

The reason why, the company has included to its line of products the introduction of Acai Berry soap product, to meet with the strong demand for all-organic basic need in body care, while the extract of Acai Berry as major ingredient of the soap is known for its effective skin lightening, and skin anti-oxidant.

In the next few months, the company will add to its line organic products that will include an organic Acai berry coffee, among others.

Today, the company has over 500 members nationwide, Englis expressed confidence that with the quality and affordability of its products, the number will double in the next few months.   

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