Pet peeves of Cebu drivers

CEBU, Philippines - Manila has been named as one of the worst places to drive in a recent survey.

Here in Cebu, we still take pride in the fact that we don’t have the monstrous traffic jams that the people in Manila regularly suffer. Well, we do have our choke points like Gen. Maxilom Ave., the Banilad-Talamban Road, Mandaue Reclamation Area, Bulacao and Tabunok, but most of the time traffic still flows smoothly.

Of course, the traffic authorities here cannot just sit back and relax. There is a lot of work for them to make sure that we can continue to brag about life in Cebu being much better.

Since I am in regular contact will fellow motorists, who also share their thoughts about our traffic situation, bad roads, and many other things, I came up with a list of stuff that Cebu drivers hate.

Well, this is not a formal survey, so don’t look for statistics just simply look around when you are driving or share notes with the others.

1. Traffic. Yes, we are proud of being a place where the flow of traffic is not so bad, but drivers really curse when there is traffic. The worst traffic during the week is normally on Fridays unless the traffic officials once again allow road closures for activities without properly informing the public.

2. Poor law enforcement. We don’t want to get apprehended, but we also want those who blatantly violate traffic laws to at least get a ticket for their violation. Another thing that drivers hate is the deputized groups that seem to feast on the motorists when they do their so-called “operation.” We have several complaints against one particular group.

3. Bad roads. This probably should be first on the list. Although we see a lot of work being done in many areas (it must be the election season), there are still many roads that have never been given attention.

4. Bad drivers. People who cut into your lane. Jeepney drivers who refuse to properly pull over when they stop. Those who are on their phones and drive too slow or swerve from left to right. There are so many of them and yes, the ordinary motorist hopes to see fewer of them on the road.

5. Bad motorcycle drivers. The adjective is meant to emphasize that this does not cover all people on board vehicles that have two wheels. There are many motorcycle drivers, who move in an out of traffic, go against the flow of traffic, accidentally hit your side mirror and get away with it as they can easily slip past other vehicles, and more things that they do that are really annoying.

6. Reckless mini bus and jeepney drivers. How many had their long drive to either the north or south spoiled by these maniacs on the road? Apparently not only other motorists get angry even

bikers as there is one documented case of bikers pulling a gun at a mini bus driver.

7. Tricycles and trisikads on the highways. While these forms of transportation give many people an opportunity to earn a living, their presence on the highways compromises the safety of many people.

8. Tents. We see so many of these tents being put up to allow people, who need a roof above their head so they can gamble all night long during wakes. What makes these tents even worse eye sores are

the names of politicians that are emblazoned on them claiming to be doing public service. If you want to really serve the public, putting these tents in the proper place and not on the road is the first thing you must do.

9. Road closures. We mentioned this above, but would like to put more emphasis on the dislike of motorists to road closures that are not properly announced. Yes, such happens usually on Sundays, but many people still use the roads on Sundays.

10. Beggars. We pity them, but when they crowd around your vehicle and the light turns green, you sometimes get very worried about running over somebody’s foot or for some if they would scratch your vehicle because you did not give them anything. What is so bad is that a lot of them operate in the area near the Department of Social Welfare and Development office.

You might have many more things on your list that irritate you like the “watch your car boys/men” who suddenly approach you when you are leaving a parking area where you have already paid the necessary fees.

There are also those agents of loan companies that waste so much paper as they leave those hand bills stuck on your windshields. Of course, there are also the flooded streets and fiesta celebrations that spill on to the highways. Despite all of the pet peeves of Cebu drivers, most still believe that we are in a

much better place.

Let us do our share then in making Cebu more livable and most of all, more motorist friendly. (FREEMAN)

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