Have a safe Kalag-kalag
While many of us have already been to the cemeteries since last weekend, we always try to find time to once again visit our dear departed today, All Saints Day, and tomorrow, All Souls Day.
We hope that you will ensure safety during travel and avoid trouble at the cemeteries.
In our town last Sunday, there were some drivers who obviously got their licenses without understanding what road courtesy is. They refused to budge even if they knew their vehicles blocked the path of others as if they owned the road.
Well, if such attitudes won’t change, they’ll surely be at the cemetery permanently.
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Our reader Jesson Morata sent email to encourage all motorists to have a safe celebration of what we locally call as kalag-kalag.
Safety, of course, does not only mean making sure your vehicle is fit for travel, but also ensuring that your home is safe from burglars and fires.
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A reader, a female driver, asked us to bring up the matter on motorcycle drivers, who use the opposite lane with little or simply no regard for safety.
She said that on her way to a supermarket last week, she saw a child getting hit by a motorcycle, who passed the opposite lane.
The reader said that the boy, who was selling on the streets, was looking the other way as he was at the median line when he moved forward he did not notice the speeding motorcycle behind him.
We also saw a similar incident a few years ago in Bulacao, Cebu City when a man who was crossing the street was hit by a motorcycle driver, who tried to cut through traffic.
Many readers have also brought this matter up with us, but this seems to continue to fall on the deaf ears of the authorities.
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The apparent abuse of authority by a deputized agent of the Land Transportation Office has been the subject of a lot of comments on the Motorists’ Corner facebook page.
What incensed many is the fact that Regional Director Raul Aguilos somewhat condoned the act of the deputy, who is a member of Task Force Alpha.
The fact that the basis for the apprehension of the driver of Tsuneishi was wrong should have been made a reason not to impose the P500 penalty on the driver, who was also tagged for disobedience to a person in authority.
If you know you are right, you would reason out.
While we appreciate those who would like to help people obey the laws, we do not condone abuses made by such groups.
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For your comments, complaints and suggestions please feel free to contact us at 2531276 or 2538613 local 237.
You can also visit and join the Motorists’ Corner page on www.facebook.com or follow us on Twitter @NLQCebu.
You can also send email to nimrod@mozcom.com.
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