Motivational programs deemed vital to realize high productivity

CEBU, Philippines - The fierce competition in the global landscape is something that local employers should give utmost consideration for them to continue being profitable and grow.

Economist Perry Fajardo suggested that local employers should be the one to implement motivational programs for employees in order to achieve higher productivity level, and low productivity should not be blamed always to workers.

Higher productivity is one of the key factors that gives life to companies in this highly competitive global environment, Fajardo said during the recent economic briefing hosted by Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) and the Cebu Business Club (CBC).

Programs that promote balance in motivating employees are highly recommended, so that fast turn-over and migration of good workers abroad, can be curtailed as well.

The changing business environment should be strongly considered by employers, and that giving flexibility to employees with the advent of technology should be applied, he said.

“Look beyond the trends, don’t just rely on data—it doesn’t make you any better than your competitors,” Fajardo urged Cebuano businessmen.

While the prospects for 2011 are quite good, he said there is a need for local employers to also change the working environment in their respective offices, taking into consideration the modern way of doing business.

Fajardo hopes that the positive and strong confidence of investors to the newly installed administration will continue, so that the businessmen can take advantage of economic upswing.

Fajardo, who is the former National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA-7) director, specifically mentioned the robust opportunity for tourism and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sectors, and that businesses should take advantage of the positive trend that would make good businesses in retail, real estate, among others.

According to Fajardo, tourism, services, retail, and other businesses should take advantage of the good prospects. However, it should be complemented with good operational program inside the organization.

Providing good employment packages, and giving flexibility while motivating their skills are just few of the suggested motivational programs that should be adopted.

He said the competition of attracting good workers is not anymore limited within the country, while the global companies are also discovering the good talents of Filipinos as employees.

Fajardo said while globalization is now a reality, local companies are facing higher uncertainties and risks.

It is now the time to make major changes in terms of organizational set up to conform the changing business environment, Fajardo said. (FREEMAN)

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