Export groups initiate shell farming project

CEBU, Philippines - Two export organizations in Cebu are set to initiate a “Sea Shell Farming” project to sustain the supply of shell raw material requirements of some export companies specifically in Cebu and the Visayas.

The Cebu Gifts, Toys and Housewares, Foundation Inc. (Cebu-GTH), and Fashion Accessories Manufacturers and Exporters (FAME) will be partnering with concerned government agencies such as the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), as well as Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to realize this planned program.

GTH president Ramir Bonghanoy said yesterday that with the increasing demand for shell-based products for exports mainly in the fashion and home accessories sectors, it is now high-time to culture the most in-demand shells like the different species of Mother Pearks, Trocas, among others.

Initially, GTH had identified some islets in Cebu province and in the coastal areas in Samar, Bohol, Negros, and Palawan as conducive sites for shell farming.

According to Bonghanoy, Shells are the most in-demand raw material requirement for the creative manufacturing sector, ever since.

The Mother of Pearl Shell for instance has different species which are the most common raw materials for exporters. These are; the Gold Lip, Yellow Lip, Black Lip, Brown Lip, and Black Tab (Mother of Pearl).

Aside from the rising demand of shell raw materials, exporters are also facing competition with the ongoing export of raw shells or unprocessed shells to China.

Although, GTH and FAME already submitted a position paper to ban this kind of activity through PhilExport-Cebu, the government still has to act on this concern, he said.

Conservatively, Cebu export industry is requiring an average estimate of 10 to 12 tons of raw sea shells every month. This is not to include; the performance of recovering market for fashion and home accessories sector.

Bonghanoy said as exporters’ were already planting trees to give back to the environment and sustain the supply of its raw materials, heavy users of shells should also do the same.

Besides, Shell Farming is not new in the Philippines. In fact, Bonghanoy said exporters who are heavily using Shells are sourcing their supplies from different privately owned “Shell Farming” facilities across the country.

Bonghanoy however, said that the plan is still in the drawing board, as formal discussion on this matter, especially in coordination with the concerned government agencies still has to be set up.

“I’m confident that the government will help us on this matter,” said Bonghanoy who is the chief executive officer and president of Bon Ace Fashion Tools, which is targeting the European market.

Bon Ace Fashion Tools requires at least 2,000 kilos per month, and this figure is increasing, he said.

About 60 large export companies in Cebu are heavy users of seashells, Bonghanoy said. (FREEMAN)

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