Pit Senyor!

Let me digress a bit from my meanderings by taking on the Fiesta of all fiestas about to occur this weekend – Sinulog. Like in all the other years, preparations had been underway long before January set in. Unlike in previous years, I am no longer involved whatsoever with any Sinulog activity this year. Yet, I have somehow gotten back to a Sinulog-associated event – the Cebu Popular Music Festival – that takes place every Friday of the Sinulog week. I first attended this event, as a spectator rooting for the entry of Allan Jayme Rabaya, interpreted by Gilfrancis Maningo, entitled “Kun Sunogon Mo Man ang Kalayo.” Years later, I sat in the judge’s table twice. This Friday, I will sit as judge again in the Cebu Pop Music Festival 2011, at the Cebu Coliseum.

Unswerved by multifarious happenings, I always tried to take part in the Saturday solemn procession from the Basilica Minore and back, no matter how demanding was my work in the Sinulog Committee. After all, the Sinulog is essentially a religious celebration in honor of the Child Jesus. That’s how we must view it, despite all the attendant pomp and pageantry. Much earlier, I used to ask some male companions to walk with me, for a sense of security. Eventually, my Sinulog Committee commitments prevented me from planning my schedule ahead. Hence, I had to walk alone…with my driver waiting somewhere at the end of the procession.

This year, however, I don’t think I can join the procession as my wounded knee still hurts and my prolonged cough persists until now. Too bad!

Notable activities are the mall exhibits, as well as artists grouping together to put up their works – paintings and photographs – like the MITHING SUGBUANON art and photo exhibit now ongoing at IT Park Buildings i1, i2 and i3 featuring the artists of Cebu Artists Incorporated or CAI. This is a consolidation of new and seasoned art practitioners. I was delighted to find a couple of medical doctors (my friends) who have found a second calling at this stage of their lives – Dr. Cris Dy and Dr. Jorgen Lim. Check out their deployed exhibits at the foyers of the three buildings.

Businesses are definitely taking full advantage of Sinulog. Make sure that you receive those flyers that are pushed your way. You will be surprised at the discounts and great package deals they offer only for the Sinulog week, or a week later! So be sure to at least read these flyers.

Restaurants beacon with their own version of the Sinulog Special – be it a platter of their house faves at a slashed down price, or a pitcher of beer to go with some well-loved appetizers. Be it food, people, happenings or a religious space, you can have it all during the Sinulog week. (There is the usual exhibit of Sto. Nino images at the Ayala Mall for those who are devotees, or even for those who want to see ancient rendition of the Holy Child in various media.)

Then, there is the “Hubo” ceremony a week after the fiesta. The formal undressing of the Holy Icon of its fiesta robes by authorized prelates. This is solely a church activity. Devotees wait to attend this event before they go back to their respective places.

More than the frenzied drumbeats, above the snarling traffic jam, beyond the colored lights, louder than the multi-layered music, our faith in a Child God remains steadfast to give us inner peace.

Pit Senyor! Sa Sugbo kini!

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