
Freeman Cebu Business


ONE STEP UP - Chris Tio -

I spent an interesting afternoon at a receiving end of a lecture by a senior member of the Philippine Stock Exchange. This man, who obviously has lived through much of our country’s economic and political history, was passionately trying to make me understand the reasons why we needed to go for change. He urgently voiced his frustrations, frequently adding the lament, “why do you young people not understand, this is no longer about us, but about your generation and the country you and my children want to live in!”

I sat there, hearing everything, absorbing everything and wondering silently. Why indeed? Why do my generation, and my younger peers not seem to understand? Or do we simply not care? Until the answer hit me. Why? 


Think about it. Don’t we all have that little urgent voice inside of us that very barely whispers in our ear, “Don’t do anything, it’s only you. You won’t be able to make a difference. Don’t even try.” We see others do it. We admire them for their courage. We applaud them for their principle, but we don’t do anything. Because we are afraid that we are not them. 

But I believe we are. Someone told me once that a leader is but a manifestation of each little part of every member of the group. The leader symbolizes all the aspirations, principles and values of the group. Each member is present in him, filling him with a small part of themselves. And together that is what makes a leader strong. Not alone, but together. The strength of the leader is determined by the size and conviction of his people, who they are and what they stand for.

If we the people do not believe that change is necessary. If we the people do not fight for the opportunity for change to happen. If we the people are too afraid to hope, to believe, that change can happen. Change never will. 

We will be forever subjected to inane jingles. To empty slogans. To damning insults to our intelligence. Why?

Because we allow it. We are afraid.

A rabid supporter of the yellow once pulled me aside and told me, “I have begun to tell people that I have shifted to the dark side, I have decided to believe in money of the orange.” I was taken aback and I asked him, what did they say. He replied, “they expressed surprise and outrage and asked him angrily, WHY?” He then told me what he answered them, “It’s because of people like you, you keep saying you want it, but you’re not willing to do anything. So be happy, you will soon have the leader that you are used to.”

Why are we afraid? 

Unless we discover the courage of our convictions, we will always be afraid. We will always listen to that little voice that reminds us not to get involved. 

But when will we get involved? Is now not the right time to finally say, “it’s enough, its too much.”

I believe that who we support is a reflection of what we believe in, what principles and values we hold dear and what would we be willing to compromise and ignore. It is about what our hopes and dreams are, and what would we be willing to do to make them come true. I believe that it is not just about our leaders, but it is very much about ourselves...

We have to remind ourselves that in order to climb up, it is not enough to look at the steps. We actually have to take the steps. 

Lets climb together for a change. 

Out of many, we should be one. It is about time we be yellow. It is about time we stand up for what we believe in.

If not, we will soon be inundated by images and songs about living in garbage, because in truth, it will soon be like living in garbage. Be afraid, I know I now am.

(For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at [email protected] , or visit www.stirspecialist.blogspot.com.)

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