DoT posts positive growth despite crisis

CEBU, Philippines - The Department of Tourism-7 earlier shared of the effects of the global financial crisis in the promotion of the sector especially to foreign countries. However, the office is still thankful that the region showed a positive number despite the financial turmoil.

DOT-7 Regional Director Patria Aurora Roa said in an interview that they are glad with the turnout for 2009 given the economic downturn which was expected to decrease the tourist arrivals and pull down the numbers of arrivals.

But Roa said that the region had a positive number although it only showed small growth compared to the same time in the previous years.

However, Roa said that they are still pleased with the results and said that “we are happy that we are not negative.”

Roa explained that the region and the Philippines as a whole still continues to be a strong destination, especially Cebu and Bohol which are best sellers for local and foreign tourists.

She said that for the country in general, it noted a positive number as well compared to other countries that showed a negative in tourism arrivals.

However, Roa said that the country can’t still compete with benchmark destinations like Phuket and Bali in terms of accommodations despite the mushrooming of hotels and condominiums in Cebu .

Roa said that for Phuket alone which is only very small, they already have 52T rooms to accommodate their guests while Bali has around 46T.

Roa said that even the whole Philippines does not have the 50T rooms. But still Roa said that this would not stop the arrivals in the country which has all the wonderful destinations.

According to Roa, they are even expecting 650 Japanese to arrive by January and even more in the coming months.

This also as the country has noted a 98 percent increase in Chinese arrivals as well as more tourists coming from Korea.

Roa said that this is a good indication and this would help them move forward in making stronger efforts to promote the whole Philippines.

She said that it is not only on promoting region 7, which is under her, but the whole country since the regions should not compete with each other. — AJ dela Torre


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