Glory Reborn

I was invited to join the cocktails for Glory Reborn last Wednesday at MAYA, Cebu’s best Mexican themed Restaurant. It was a packed event filled by many of the movers and shakers of Cebu Society. The drinks were overflowing and the food was very good but it was unlike any ordinary social function that I have been to.

It was actually a clarion call for assistance for Glory Reborn, a non-profit organization run by a very young and beautiful American couple who took it upon themselves to champion the cause of indigent mothers and babies.

Hilary Overton first arrived in Cebu when she was 19 years old, in order to fulfill credits for her midwifery course. She volunteered to assist in Cebu slum areas and ended up working in a Cemetery as a midwife. In the course of a couple of years, despite the unreal conditions and the extremely dirty surroundings brought about by poverty, she assisted or delivered almost 2,000 infants. The intense experience left a big emotional mark in her that she took back home to the United States.

After completing her course and beginning work as a midwife, she could not get the images of the extreme needs of Cebu’s indigent mothers and infants out of her mind. She decided to come back, dragging along her new husband, to set up Glory Reborn.

Glory Reborn started out in the apartment that they were renting and the very first baby that they assisted was actually born in their own bedroom. From that start and due to the acute need, the organization has grown to occupy the apartment compound and now serves as a free maternity clinic. To date, Glory Reborn has delivered over 1,700 healthy babies and also provides free pre natal, as well as post natal care. All of this while surviving on the young couple’s passion and personal funds as well as generous donations from abroad.

I actually did not understand how to feel upon listening to the presentation. I was very touched at the kindness and sincerity of this couple who are doing a tremendous service for our community and society. At the same time, I felt embarrassed that this young organization, with very little resources, are making so much of an impact and we did not even know about it.

One of the issues for me that is often overlooked in the natural family planning debate is actually the capacity of our Government to provide decent and complete maternal care services for many of our people. How many infants and mothers die each year because of lack of access to clean, decent and complete facilities or even proper medical care and attention.

Glory Reborn is doing a great service to our community but they cannot do it alone. They need your help, they need our help. If you want to know more about what they do, you can visit their website, , or email them at .You can also get in touch with them at (032) 418-9337.

On another note, I want to invite people to watch the musical play by Vincent Tanada entitled “Ako si Ninoy, there is a Ninoy in all of us” a Filipino Musicale that will be happening at the Waterfront Hotel and Casino Grand Ballroom on November 27,2009. It is a chance for people to get re acquainted with our modern day national hero.

I would also like to invite kids and parents as well as the rest of the family to come and try YO-GO, the first kids frozen yogurt, which is now available at Toys@Work , ground floor, Banilad Town Center. It is the healthy alternative as well as having a taste specially formulated for children. Soft opening promo is a free topping with every order.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at , or visit

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