Cory fever

Every Filipino must have been glued to the screen of their television sets or must possibly be on the streets on the day of the late President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino’s burial. 

Who would not be touched by such a brave woman. For one who tried her best to live as the emblem she stood for, living her talk. 

Simplicity, love for family, love for country; virtues so hard to keep pace with in this rushing world and gnawing materialism spurred by ambition and need for attention.

The Cory Fever needs to be spread, Not buried with the dead. Her passion for the upliftment of those who are willing to help themselves and just need opportunities to bring them closer to their dreams. 

The drive to try and to contribute in whatever way to solutions for our country’s development and not to tarnish the well-built, hard-earned, life-ransomed image of the country’s being a strong and reliable nation. Of the Filipino’s being worth the sacrifice.

Now the baton has been passed on to us…Filipinos who have a concern for our country. Those of us who want to live here. Who do not want to be strangers in another land and struggle to gain a citizenship that does not match our skin.

This is our country, our birthright. And as such, we must do our best to keep it respectable. 

How? By lifting ourselves from the derogatory framework we have long believed and placed ourselves in the guise of false humility.

Talking ill of Filipinos and our country, does not do us any favors. It just lists us among the losers. Those who march the streets to share their political concerns merely to destroy the image of our nation may possibly do better through prayer and positive action. Taking part in exposing ills in the right forum. Not those backed by political entities who have their own agenda.

We have many good stories to tell. Victories to share. It’s time we tell these truths.

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