Retailers told to capitalize on store design concepts

CEBU, Philippines – Retailers are advised to capitalize on design concepts to enhance their store experience and encourage purchase as majority of shoppers now try to cut on consumption to cope with the tough times.

“Before you talk to your store designers, you must first have ideas and strategies for your product and your store concept,” said Jos Ortega, chief executive officer of JWT Manila, one of the speakers of the recently concluded 3rd Regional Retail Conference in Cebu.

Ortega said that a retailer must know his or her brand story or try to create one if there is none.

“Your brand story must be based on your dreams and aspirations for the business. This story must engage customers and enhance their experience in your store so that it will create a desire and passion in them to want your products,” said Ortega.

“Once you have created your own brand story you can start making it relevant through your store design. Nowadays, shopping is no longer about the stores but shopping is about stories,” he added.

He said that an example of companies with a good brand story is Apple as it has created a strong brand image which customers have embraced through strongly patronizing their products and services.

Ortega said that locally, there are also a lot of brands with good stories like our very own Island Souvenirs and also Penshoppe.

“Another way to create a stylish retail concept is through being authentic in your brand story and in both your advertising and marketing peripherals. Shoppers can now discern and figure out if you are honest or not in delivering your brand promise and they usually do not come back to patronize if you did not tell them the truth,” said Ortega.   

He gave Thai silk brand Jim Thompson as an example for this kind of technique because in the company’s stores, customers get to experience authentic Thai culture.

“The whole idea of your brand should permeate in every touch point as your customers experience your store. The customers must be able to get a good grasp of your products through your store to enhance their experience so you can latch them into the buying process,” he added.

Ortega said that because of tough competition in the marketplace and the challenges concerning the shrinking consumer spending capacity, engaging customers have become the most important and challenging part of retailing.

“Now a days, it is all about engaging your customers and not just about putting products on your shelves. There is a saying which says that if you tell me, I will forget; but if you show me, I will remember,” said Ortega.

He said that retailers must understand that because of these tough times and because the market has become more competitive due to the proliferation of different brands offering almost the same propositions, consumers first must buy and be convinced of the whole concept of a specific brand in order for them to really purchase.

“You also must deliver your message. Execute it well and make it really happen,” said Ortega.

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