Stricter implementation of laws

Lately we have noticed that there are so many traffic law enforcers in various areas in Metro Cebu, but is there really an improvement in the flow of traffic?

Coming from the south, we see them in Talisay City then we have the famous CITOM of Cebu City onward to Mandaue where they have the team and then also in Lapu-Lapu City.

As our schedule the past week brought us through all these places, we seem to see the trend, but apart from more enforcers there are still many things that seem to be just neglected.

If you have been driving around Metro Cebu, you must have also noticed how drivers don’t anymore obey the traffic laws when they are behind the enforcers.

Just take the case of the jeepney drivers in Bulacao Cebu City right in front of Citi Hardware, who pick up passengers not at the jeepney stop even if the enforcers are just nearby.

The reason why this is happening is probably that the drivers have lost respect for the traffic law enforcers and they need to toughen up to get these drivers to again toe the line and bring sanity back to our streets.

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We received more complaints about motorcycle drivers disregarding traffic laws and safety.

One reader commented about those who weave in and out of traffic and at times hitting the other vehicles causing scratches or dents then speed off.

He has been a victim several times, he told us and he just hates seeing these people get away with it.

Another reader complained about those who take the opposite lane without regard for the oncoming traffic.

“Motorcycles were designed to help the drivers get through traffic congestion, but they must do it with safety in mind.”

There is only one thing to blame for these irresponsible motorcycle drivers, a very lax system to issuing drivers licenses.

If the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will only be stricter when it comes to the issuance of licenses, then only those responsible enough can drive. The same goes for those operating four-wheeled vehicles.

Also, if there is a strict enforcement of traffic laws, we’ll see more disciplined drivers. Maybe our cops have taken note that after that November 2 incident when three men, who tried to shoot policemen manning a checkpoint, were shot dead, people now make sure to stop at checkpoints.

If they see drivers being apprehended and penalized severely for their misdeed, then we’ll see a lot of improvement in our roads.

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For your comments, complaints and suggestions please feel free to get in touch with us through 2531276 or 2538613 local 237.

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