Driving in the dark

With fuel prices steadily climbing, many are now looking for ways to conserve fuel.

Taking public transportation is of course the option that can give us maximum fuel savings, but unfortunately, it is not a very attractive one.

The public transportation system in our city needs to do a major overhaul to be desirable.

We came across an interesting story at the www.cnn.com the other day about the fuel saving myths that are being circulated.

We don’t have so much space to carry the article, but it surely is very interesting and informative.

One of the things it tells you is you don’t have to wake up early to fill your tank, which is one of the many wrong fuel saving tips we get via email.

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Here’s something from one of our readers that we got the other week and only have space for it today.

Allow me to entitle this letter as “How To Drive At Night Without Use Of Headlights.”  You see I’m a resident of Guadalupe and one thing that never cease to amaze me is that I always encounter vehicles running at night without using headlights. I believe the drivers just rely on street lights and other light sources to guide them while cruising the streets. Frankly I was impressed at the drivers ability in doing so because as a motorist myself, I rely much on the headlights of other vehicles while driving at night.

 I checked on this unusual driving skills, only  to find out that these vehicles has weak alternators and if headlights are used, the engine will conk out. To repair the alternator will cost a thousand pesos and the drivers can hardly afford it. I am referring of course to the PUJs plying M. Velez and Guadalupe roads at night. While I sympathize with the drivers concerns, I am all the more concerned on the safety of motorists and passengers should accidents happen due to non-use of headlights. At one time, I was almost hit by a PUJ because I almost did not see it coming for not having its headlights on. 

But  I wonder  why this hazardous night driving escaped the attention  of our traffic enforcers  up to now?  Must we wait for accidents to happen before this issue is brought to light?

Truly Yours,

Dante Ong Navarro aka Don

Guadalupe, Cebu City

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We also received a text message from one of our cousins, Sambag II barangay captain Carl Belarmino, who asked us to help call the attention of the traffic authorities to the busted traffic lights.

One area he mentioned was that intersection where Gen. Maxilom and Gorordo Ave. intersect with Echavez St.

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For your comments, complaints and suggestions please feel free to contact us through 2531276 local 237.

You can also send email to nimrod@mozcom.com.

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