The problem with Banilad

An avid reader of this column reported to us that while there are already signs put up near the infamous Eskina Tungkil in Minglanilla, there are still a lot of people who disregard them.

She reported to us that the drivers of Nice Guy Taxi, whose operator lives in San Isidro, Talisay City has used the area fronting Julie’s Bakeshop as terminal.

This is not the only complaint we received about the place and we personally have seen these not Nice Guys parked in the NO STOPPING zone.  So, who is going to stop them from blatantly violating the traffic laws?

We hope the Minglanilla police are taking a cue.

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The traffic situation in Banilad is expected to turn from bad to worse once the construction of the overpass starts next month.

Mayor Tomas Osmeña’s suggestion of banning private vehicles when the construction starts has been met with mixed reactions, but to tell you honestly it seems to be the most practical solution that has so far been presented.

While many have also said that the overpass or flyover if you want to call it that way is merely a “band aid” solution to the traffic problem, it is also deemed as the fastest solution.

A reader sent us email last week citing the failure of the CITOM to really address the matter and wailing about how bad the traffic situation would become once a huge portion of the intersection of Gov. Cuenco and AS Fortuna would be closed for the construction.

We won’t say we are very familiar with the road network in this area, but as we look at it, the options are very limited.

With very little time left before the schedule of the construction, the CITOM doesn’t seem to have any real plan yet.

If the proposal of the mayor banning private vehicles pushes through, what would be the options for those who prefer driving or being driven to work?  Would there be a good public transport system in place?

There are but few of the many questions that now linger in the minds of the people that would be affected.

Going the longer way via Mandaue is not exactly a better option considering how traffic there is also so bad.

Once thing that the CITOM and the traffic authority of Mandaue, TEAM, must do is coordinate as to how they are going to deal with this problem if they haven’t done that yet.

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We received several complaints about the way the authorities handled the traffic situation during the Sinulog celebration last week.

One reader said, “the CITOM has never learned.”

Another sighed, “mo-resign na lang ta na sila kay maski na every year ang event murag wala may improvement.”

Their concerns are indeed true and hundreds or even thousands share the same view.

We cannot make the fiesta celebration a reason for people to violate traffic laws, which is the root cause of the problem.  This includes mainly those who block the flow of traffic with their makeshift stalls.

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