Thai envoy: RP and Thailand could team up to boost tourism

Instead of treating Thailand as the Philippines'' closest competitor in tourism, a strategic partnership in this specific sector could help the two countries advance each other''s tourism industry.

In an interview with Asha Dvitiyananda Royal, Thai Ambassador to the Philippines, she said that there are a lot of aspects that the Philippines and Thailand could work together in the tourism industry.

Cebu for instance, which is often compared to Phuket as a destination, could take advantage of this, by starting to partner with hotels, and other tourism stakeholders in Phuket.

Dvitiyananda was here in Cebu recently to grace the Krua Thai Restaurant''s celebration of Thai New Year "Songkran", and the partnership of Marco Polo Plaza Cebu with Krua Thai, to offer Thai food in the hotel.

According to the lady Ambassador at this time, the worldwide tourism volume has declined, because of economic constraints, because of this development, there is a need for Thailand and Philippines to work together in boosting tourism.

Dvitiyananda dismissed impression that Thailand and the Philippines are competitors in terms of attracting tourists, saying that "the market of tourism is very big, we have our own niche. Everybody wants to travel to different destinations, not just one destination."

She emphasized the need of the lowering of air fare from both countries, in order to encourage more travelers going to Thailand from the Philippines, and vice versa.

She said the Philippines has huge potential to attract more tourists, just like Thailand, depends on how the Philippines will be promoted to the world''s tourism market.

She mentioned that as Thai tourist to the Philippines, she has become an avid fan of Bohol as a destination. So, there is no point of comparing Cebu, or Bohol for instance as competitors of Phuket in attracting tourism market.

Aside from tourism, other sectors that are being considered to have possible trade partnership with Philippines and Thailand are into security, trading, and energy.

"The trade relations between Thailand and Philippines, is strengthening. Bilateral agreements are being intensified to help each other," she added.

Thailand is not only considered as a competitor of the Philippines, in the tourism industry, but also for some sectors, like manufacturing, furniture, seaweed, and others.

However, Dvitiyananda reiterated that an increased bilateral agreement is being done by both countries, to pursue effective partnerships.

Thailand is one of the markets of Philippine-made and assembled electrical equipment, automotive spare parts, she added.

At the same time, Philippines is also importing the same line of products from Thailand, she said.

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