
Freeman Cebu Business

Canadian firm gathers investments from RP

- Ehda Dagooc -
Edgeworth Properties Inc. (EPI) vowed to build residential projects in western part of Canada, in Alberta as soon as the company gather enough investments from the Philippines to help capitalize real estate developments in Canada.

EPI opened its Philippine headquarter office in Cebu three months ago, inviting Filipino investors, especially Cebuanos to invest in Canada through the company.

The company sources, evaluates and purchases undeveloped land, particularly high growth markets like those found in the Fort McMurray and Edmonton, in Alberta province.

EPI in coordination with the government of Alberta, Canada has come up with a "unique" investment offer to non-Canadian investors to own a property in Canada , through EPI.

In an interview yesterday with John M. Wright, EPI sales and marketing executive on the sideline of the company's ceremonial office blessing at the FGU Building at the Cebu Business Park (CBP), he said that in the next couple of years, Filipino investors may see their investment grow faster, as the company is going to build a residential/housing development in the 64-hectare lot now being offered to non-Canadian investors.

According to Wright, Canada is now suffering from shortage of housing supply. Non-Canadian or Filipinos' investments through the company in Canada can easily grow.

Wright said that the investment opportunity offered by EPI to Filipinos is well received (so far), although this concept is something new in the Philippine market.

However, what helped the company in its three-month operation is the good relationship, and friendship as a nation. Moreover, the increasing number of Filipinos living, or migrating to Canada is a good backup of assured investment attraction for Filipinos in Canadian lands.

In fact, in early 2007, the company will soon expand its distribution network, or marketing penetration opening offices in Metro Manila, Davao, and other key cities in the country.

Investors will be given a land title from the government of Alberta, upon purchasing a raw land through EPI.

This unique investment platform allowing foreigners to own properties in Canada, through EPI, is developed by the Alberta government to allow farmers to disperse their lands, and to be developed by investors.

Currently, the company has 758 acres in contract. This will be sold by investors all over the globe, including the Filipinos, while EPI is continuously contracting properties in Alberta , to be marketed to foreign buyers.

Canada is one of the largest economies in the world, Alberta province on the other hand, has one of the most vibrant and competitive economies due to its ample natural resources, such as oil.

Alberta 's energy reserves, particularly the oil sand deposits is the largest in the world, fueling a thriving oil and gas industry that ensures continued growth for the province.

Minimum investment requirement is an estimate of P350,000 for a 674 square-meter lot, Wright said.

He, however declined to give the exact number of investors the company is able to attract in the first three months of operation, as well as the estimated investments poured by Cebuano/Filipino capitalists, saying it's "confidential information."

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