Primeworld bares new trade name

Primeworld Digital Systems Inc. is now operating under the trade name Prime Communications.

Primeworld Digital Systems Inc. (PDSI) is a telecommunications company licensed to provide nationwide telecommunications and value-added services. 

The PDSI has evolved from being one of the pioneering ISPs and the market leader in dial-up Internet in the country to being a full-fledged telecommunications company specializing in IP communications.  It has been operating since 1996.

The official launch of Prime Communications as the new trade name of PDSI was announced by its president, Jojie Yap. 

Speaking before the media guests, Yap stressed that Prime Communications is more than just the new identity of PDSI, saying it affirms its commitment to quality customer service, now taking full advantage of its telco franchise and licenses to deliver what it believes is the key driver for customer loyalty.

Yap said the company continues to be in the midst of a transformation that started in 2006, when it shifted its focus from traditional dial-up access to its current suite of products and services specifically targeted for enterprise and SME customers. 

Prime Communications will continue to focus on delivering more high-bandwidth Internet access, via wireless or traditional leased lines, to SMEs and large-scale enterprises. 

It will also continue to offer its highly successful Optimaxx leased line service, Sentinel Managed Security solution, backup and data center disaster recovery services and its ClearCall VoIP services. 

Yap believes that growth this year will come mainly from its wireless IP connectivity service, which it started to offer aggressively last year. 

The impetus came in 2005 when the National Telecommunications Commission awarded PDSI with a provisional license to deploy wireless data infrastructure in the country, enabling it to provide wireless IP connectivity to its business customers using the latest point-to-point technologies. 

With control over the customer link, Prime Communications is now able to hurdle difficulties posed by traditional wired access and provision within a maximum of five days with committed bandwidth and service level agreements.

In 2006, the NTC also granted PDSI its Voice-over-Internet Protocol service provider license. 

As a VoIP service provider, Prime Communications has the capability to deliver more economical and feature-rich communication services to its customers.

Prime Communications will continue to offer premium Internet access services but will build on its core IP expertise to build more value-added services and solutions on top of this access.

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