New Alcatel Phils. president named

Herve Pourcines was appointed president and country senior officer of Alcatel Philippines Inc., succeeding Jean Claude Hue.

Pourcines assumes overall responsibility for sales, marketing, business development, project operations and general management of Alcatel in the Philippines, covering its extensive products, services and business portfolio.

Pourcines holds an MBA from the American University in Washington, D.C. and brings extensive international experience from his previous assignments in the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East where he held senior management positions in sales, marketing and finance.

In the Philippines, Alcatel has been in the business of providing data and voice communications solutions to both the public and private sectors for over 40 years now.

It takes pride in its many accomplishments and pioneering efforts in the telecommunications industry, keeping a stalwart profile in the many projects that propelled it to where it is today.

Alcatel Philippines Inc. was incorporated on July 7, 1960, known then as International Telephone and Telegraph Philippines (ITTP) and subsequently as ITT Philippines.

On Jan. 1, 1987, Alcatel Philippines Inc. became the local subsidiary of Alcatel Alsthom after the merger of the global telecoms activities of ITT Corp. and Compagnie Generale d’ Electricite (the former name of Alcatel Alsthom).

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