Nokia bolsters its services portfolio with new solutions

Nokia has unveiled three new solutions as part of its ongoing drive to help operators enhance their service offerings, win and retain customers, and check costs in ever-toughening markets.

The launches of Nokia’s Service Level Management, Integrated Provisioning and Unified Device Management solutions came ahead of the Nokia Mobility Conference in Barcelona, where top management from across the company gave Nokia’s view on convergence and how consumers and operators could tap into the growing trend.

"Operators increasingly need to differentiate their service offerings to keep customer satisfaction high and subscriber turnover low. These solutions allow them to do just that," said Bosco Novak, senior vice president for services of Nokia Networks.

He added: "Convergence will mean greater technological challenges for operators, and our new solutions will also make life easier for our customers."

The Nokia Service Level Management Solution allows operators to set and monitor service levels with key customers to ensure that the agreed service quality will be met or exceeded.

The solution gives operators visibility to their most important clients so that service quality remains high, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Churn can be reduced and revenues increased

The Nokia Integrated Provisioning Solution enables holistic service, subscription and device management, and also provides tools and processes ranging from product planning to fulfillment and customer service deployment.

The solution enables cost-effective integration and cooperation in an increasingly complex IT environment for operators.

The Nokia Unified Device Management Solution lets operators serve their clients easily and cost-effectively, enabling over-the-air SIM card management as well as providing the tools to manage personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphones for corporate clients.

It allows operators to quickly deploy the latest services to their customers, a crucial advantage in today’s cutthroat business environment.

Nokia provides a full range of support and services to help operators differentiate and innovate their mobile offerings, with over 15 years of experience in working with customers to get the most out of their networks.

Nokia established its services business unit in Networks at the start of 2005, and has since taken big strides that underline its commitment to this growing business.

Last August alone, it an-nounced a $125-million man-aged services and GSM/EDGE network expansion deal with India’s Bharti Tele-Ventures, and said it would establish a Global Networks Operation Center in India by the end of the year.

"Services is a growth area for the Networks business group, representing already today more than 30 percent of its revenues (including support software), and we expect to see important developments spe-cially in the areas of managed services, systems integration and service management," Novak said.

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