WebsiteExpress.BIZ: Revolutionary website development

MANILA, Philippines -  In these times people call the “digital age,” it has almost become imperative, especially for businesses, to be present in the World Wide Web. Regardless of how big or small the business is, it makes a lot of difference that it has established a presence online. And it starts by having a website.

A website not only serves as a vital marketing tool, but more so, it also gives that certain legitimacy about your company, how your products or services provide value and the people behind your company. 

In addition, having a website is an announcement of legitimacy and a way of instilling confidence in your business.  Without one, your business will lack credibility. It will be seen as too small or too new to trust. You will limit your ability to reach new clients and persuade them to do business with you.

Everyone goes to the Internet to check on almost about anything. The Internet has become the easiest and fastest way to satisfy one’s query — be it on a personal, educational or professional level. 

And a carefully planned and structured website partnered with a series of marketing campaigns, must result in increase in online traffic, achieve brand awareness and generate sales. That’s having a website is all about.

But how about having a quality website in as fast as five to seven days? This is where WebsiteExpress.BIZ creates the big difference.

WebsiteExpress.BIZ is run by Information Capital Technology Ventures Inc. (ICTV), a publicly listed technology conglomerate with offices in Manila, Tokyo and Silicon Valley.

Its primary objective is to create quality websites and make it accessible and affordable to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), large corporations and even for professionals such as real estate agents, doctors, accountants, and dentists.

In making websites work to your advantage, the collaboration of business owners is vital — their input on visuals and content is something that WebsiteExpress.BIZ considers primarily. This way, the true essence of the business is best captured and translated in the overall look and structure of the site.

Whether it’s an informative website, entertainment, cultural, political, buying and trading, commercial, it has to be a quality website. With 24/7 operations, WebsiteExpress.BIZ can deliver this within the timeframe of five to seven days. Now, that’s definitely a big plus.

As long as reference materials are complete, including pictures and videos, the timetable is realistic. After all, WebsiteExpress.BIZ has developed some of the most comprehensive-looking and eye-popping websites for both local and international clients.

Check out for that big Web difference. For inquiries, call 799-7700 local 110 and 169.


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