Leadership in e-Marketplaces

The essence of hope is probably an essential element that all of us need these days. The financial meltdown across the globe is a day-to-day phenomenon that we come across, as enterprises try as much as they can to keep their businesses afloat. The effects are non-debatable, as thousands of workers lose their jobs and companies shut down operations or constantly seek financial assistance from governments. Touted as one of the most powerful countries in the world, the United States is no exception. President Barack Obama definitely has a tough and serious load on his back since he was formally instituted to the role, yet his message of hope, change and inspiration is something that global watchers could start with.

A similar scenario should also apply within the corporate setting that would allow organizations to hurdle difficult times. Companies, more than ever, need Obamas or individuals who create the most powerful effect on how a group should operate, cooperate and even create individuals who do not simply become leaders, but inspirational leaders to foster positive growth. To this end, a thorough understanding of leadership would directly affect individual members of a team, and when efforts are consolidated as a whole, anything and everything becomes possible.

So, what does it take to be an inspirational leader? For one, inspirational leaders encourage and bring the best out of people. They are “near experts” to recognize and utilize each gift, talent and skill of each individual. Such an acknowledgment fosters creativity in the team, allowing each member to share his ideas and putting these into action. They also make it a habit to carry on with clear vision and intentions, and create a force that keeps all team members abreast of developments and more importantly, involved. Two of the key attributes of inspirational leaders are their words and actions. Inspirational leaders lead by example, and they hold steadfast to their word. These are also well adept on the role of communication, not simply on their ability to speak to others, but on how well they listen. Inspirational leaders always leave people feeling good about themselves. When there is a group of people who feel good about themselves, the result will be a cohesive team whose members support each other so they could move toward a common goal.

The same inspiration is indirectly present within the e-Marketplace. Guided by the key vision toward maximizing savings and becoming another extended selling avenue, participants become cohesive with their role to bring about fresh changes to an organization. Creativity is amplified because with a broader perspective, one can see things from a 360-degree vantage point. More can actually be done via requirement aggregation, and negotiations are simplified when “parts” are taken as a “whole.” Communication routes are also encouraged because as more people contribute their key functions within the completion of a negotiation process, teamwork is enhanced. Much can be done in the process since clerical tasks are simplified and decision-makers enable their team to focus on key competencies that would bring about further growth in the organization and in their respective roles in the team.

e-Marketplaces also allow leaders to view intricacies related to the negotiating round. Participating buyers become more objective in encouraging suppliers to provide their best quote, and allow the latter to perform their functions more equitably. Since demand can be forecast ahead of time, efficiency is achieved through proper inventory and production planning, and logistical arrangements are well arranged to ensure delivery compliance. In fact, compliance to agreed terms and conditions is best monitored even when renegotiation is required, as trading partners are looped within the same platform. And when the key resolve is for “positive change,” leaders in e-Marketplaces make it a point that all connecting tasks are fully accomplished on time, and issues from all counts are likewise resolved.

Overall, leaders who lead by example are also the ones who keep the team united through a singular commitment and vision. These “rare ones” are those who have taken a “selfless” route relative to their personal ambitions, especially if they’re able to realize that it would benefit the many.

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The author is the administrative manager of SourcePilipinas.com. For your queries, e-mail her at edith.espeleta@sourcepilipinas.com.

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