Lighting up with Ambilight tech

Intelligent lighting raises the ante in home entertainment with Philips Electronics’ development of a unique technology that analyzes incoming television signals and produces background lighting that matches the images displayed on the screen.

Called Ambilight, the amazing lighting technology bagged an innovations award when it made its debut at the 2004 Consumer Electric Show (CES). It also gained the recognition and support of the Society of Motion Picture Technology Engineers.

Utilizing the company’s proprietary color analysis software, the ambient light, according to Philips Electronics chief marketing officer Lucas Covers, is blended to match dominant colors on the screen, thus extending the consumer’s viewing field.

"This use of custom backlighting reduces eyestrain, improves the perceived picture detail, contrast and color as well as creates a deeper, more immersive viewing environment. The addition of an Ambilight display also enhances the design element in any room," he said.

Ambilight technology is coupled with an external light sensor to determine how much light there is in the room, and controls the TV light output accordingly.

A dark room will trigger less light whereas a bright one will drive more light output. The technology dramatically reduces glare and reflections on the TV screen by screening more light sources that strike at the front of the set.

Covers said the unique lighting innovation came as a result of Philips’ detailed consumer insight into how people watch TV at home.

Consumer testing of Ambilight revealed that more that 70 percent of consumers immediately found the lighting around the TV set "contributed to a more relaxed viewing experience and a better perceived picture in terms of contrast, depth and color vividness."

Designed to enhance the viewing experience, Ambilight technology will work with any type of television signal. Regardless of the signal source, it analyzes the incoming signals and produces the ambient side lighting that will match the content displayed on the screen.

Now comes Ambilight Full Surround, the most advanced generation of Ambilight technology. It is an industry first that features dynamic lighting effects on all sides of the display which the new design surrounds with an integrated canvas that makes the screen appear to be floating when hung on the wall.

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