Quick takes from around the market

CTS Global [CTS 1.00 pre-IPO] [link] offer period started yesterday. Potential investors can buy IPO shares through their brokers, or through the PSE EASy platform. There’s a P100k limit on PSE EASy investments. Do your due diligence!

Philippine Airlines [PAL 6.30 4.69%] [link] fell 5% yesterday, after jumping nearly 10% the day before on its first day of trading since an 8-month suspension, bankruptcy, and a healthy dose of “what is happening here?” uncertainty. It’s still not especially clear what’s happening with the airline, except that it’s now trying to lean into “cargo” as a supplemental income stream.

Citicore Energy REIT [CREIT 2.69 0.75%] [link] directors plead “not guilty” in Anti-Dummy Law hearing for arraignment related to the case filed against them in relation to Megawide [MWIDE 5.24 2.75%] joint venture project. The CREIT directors filed a motion to kill the case, and the hearing for that motion will happen on April 25. This thing can’t be ignored until it’s gone, but until something happens, we’re all just sitting here waiting to see how this will proceed. It’s something until it’s nothing. Not a huge something, but something.  



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