Energizing the heart

MANILA, Philippines - The heart is our personal workhorse. In a single day, it beats 100,000, making it the most used and most important organ in the body.

This is an often overlooked fact by most Filipinos, thus cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the country’s leading causes of death.

To keep CVD at bay, people should take good care of the heart. There may be risk factors (i.e. family history and age) that cannot be changed, but there are still ways to prevent heart disease and stroke.

Assess your risk of having CVD. Consult a cardiologist who can assess your personal risks for having heart diseases. Aside from assessment, the doctor can give you advice on what you need to change in your lifestyle. He can also prescribe the necessary medicine if you need them.

Be physically active. To strengthen your heart, commit yourself to regular aerobic exercises like jogging, brisk walking, swimming or biking.

Stop smoking. Smoking, even second-hand smoke, gives you a higher chance of having a heart disease.

Control your weight. Lose those extra pounds if you are overweight. Obesity or being overweight is also a CVD risk factor.

Keep your blood pressure at healthy levels. You can control your blood pressure by having a healthy lifestyle (exercise and proper diet), limiting your intake of sodium and alcohol, and by not smoking. Consult the doctor so he can check your blood pressure and prescribe medicines if you need them.

Control your cholesterol. Avoid eating foods that are high in cholesterol and have high levels of saturated and trans fat. It’s also best to consult a doctor who can check your cholesterol levels.

Manage your stress. Too much stress can increase your blood pressure and heart rate. Try to find ways to keep you relaxed.

Keep a healthy diet. Stick to heart-healthy foods like fruits, whole grains, and vegetables.

Take food supplements. There are food supplements in the market which can help you keep a healthy heart. Trianon’s CoQ10, for instance, is considered as “the heart vitamin,” energizing the most important organ of the body. CoQ10 is a natural nutrient essential to the life and health of every living cell in the body.  

Trianon’s CoQ10, also known as Ubiquinone, acts like a spark plug for your heart, helping in numerous heart conditions, improving heart function, boosting the immune system, and speeding up metabolism, which in turn helps stimulate natural weight loss.

Trianon CoQ10 is available as an over-the-counter food supplement at Mercury Drug Stores.

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