Nesvita Cereal Milk Drink and your holiday diet

MANILA, Philippines - The Christmas season is upon us — and those trying to stick to their diets are in for a challenge: parties, family reunions, and other holiday gatherings are occasions for piling up on those calories in the name of good cheer.

But how do we enjoy the Christmas season while avoiding the “surprise gift” of a bigger waistline after New Year’s Day?

Nutritionist Aleli Gana-Magtibay, MS RND, recommends that we follow a sound diet especially during the holidays when we are surrounded by treats galore. The holiday season does not give us the excuse to let ourselves go and attack the buffet table.

“A lot of people gain weight during the Christmas season because food is just everywhere. It’s really important to have a healthy diet and watch out what and how much you eat,” Gana-Magtibay says.

She gives the following tips on how to stay trim, attractive and healthy despite the many temptations on the Christmas dining table.

Plan and stick to your diet. Be clear with your goal and why you need to stick to it: Eating sensibly and properly is not about depriving yourself. Rather, it’s about loving yourself: just imagine how you would feel after the Christmas holidays when you have a trim, sexy, healthy body while your friends have all ballooned — don’t you think they would wish they followed your example?

By all means, get your share of the holiday fare — from lechon and crispy pata to sweet treats such as leche flan and fruit salads­­­ — but remember to eat them in just the right portion sizes, so that you don’t put on extra calories.

As much as possible, nibble on veggies, fruits, and fibrous foods throughout the day, so you’re not very hungry when those tempting treats are set before you. That way, you can partake of the Christmas menu without gaining extra pounds in the process.

“Moderation is always the key. Always keep track of the serving portions of your food,” Gana-Magtibay says.

You also have to make sure that you are getting the nutrients that you need. Those yummy, delicious desserts are fine but they are not proper meals. Instead, help yourself with adequate servings of meat or fish, fruits and vegetables, and carbohydrate-rich foods like rice and pasta for a healthy, balanced meal.

Non-alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks flow freely during parties so you have to be mindful of what’s being served to you. Alcoholic drinks are not only low in nutrients but they are also loaded with calories.

Go for the healthier yet still refreshing alternative to alcoholic drinks like ice-cold water or fruit juices. There are also options like flavored water, fruit juice punch or diet soda.

Should you choose to get an alcohol-induced buzz, keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. Alcoholic drinks have high carbohydrate content that could dehydrate you. Doctors recommend that we drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

Choose and savor your food. It’s not your responsibility to sample everything that’s on the buffet table. If the menu includes some foods that you don’t feel like eating, then don’t put them on your plate.

Check the buffet for foods that you really treasure and skip the everyday, mundane dishes that are available all year long. Indulge in your personal holiday favorites and savor every mouthful — but not too much.

And remember this: it’s okay to say “no” to dishes or desserts that you are not fond of. You can politely decline without seeming like a snob.

Feel fuller, feel better. The best foods to eat whether during Christmas or any other season are those nutritious foods that fill you up — so you don’t get the urge to eat more food later.

Fortunately, there is a nutritious snack like Nesvita Cereal Milk Drink that can help you curb your urge to eat more this holiday. It’s the perfect drink to nourish your body and satisfy your hunger — so you avoid pigging out at the same time.

“Holiday foods are usually calorie-concentrated but you can avoid them by filling up in fiber-rich foods like Nesvita Cereal Milk Drink,” says Gana-Magtibay.

Fiber also helps cleanse the digestive system. It helps in flushing waste products out of the body that may cause discomfort and certain diseases.

Nesvita Cereal Milk Drink is a healthy mix of cereal fiber, milk, and vitamins. Fiber helps make you feel fuller. Having this nutritious drink on hand allows you to steer clear of all the diet-busting foods this Christmas.   

Available in yummy Original, Choco Malt, and Sweet Corn flavors, Nesvita Cereal Milk Drink is an ideal snack during the holidays as it also contains calcium that helps strengthen the bones and teeth as well as essential antioxidant vitamins like vitamins A and C, and energy-giving vitamin B we need every day. It is one nutritious drink that definitely could help make you feel beautiful inside and out.

Add fun and games. Holiday parties are the best time to bond with friends and family. Keep in mind that you don’t go to gatherings just to eat. Aside from eating and drinking, there are many things that you can do to enjoy a party.

Add fun games and activities to your holiday parties to take your focus off food. You can rent a videoke, play charades or play danceable songs and invite everyone to groove to the music.

And to avoid gobbling up more food or overeating, it’s better to have a filling, satisfying snack before leaving the house for a social gathering. For a quick and healthy snack, have some Nesvita Cereal Milk Drink. Just mix it with cold or hot water in a mug, stir, and you have an instant snack that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

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