Nescafé Body Partner tour attracts health buffs

Many people could not have been happier when Nescafé made known the fact that a healthy lifestyle and some of life’s little pleasures can actually go together.

Proof of this is the massive turnout of health and wellness enthusiasts in the first stop of Nescafé Body Partners tour of the country’s premier shopping malls.

“The Nescafé Body Partner selection is a great way to stay healthy because it debunks every perception out there that healthy food and drink is less flavorful and therefore less enjoyable. Plus, you can choose a variant that suits your healthy regimen,” said Carol Navarrete-Adolfo, marketing promotions manager.

At Trinoma, people formed long lines just to be able to savor a cup of Nescafé and avail themselves of their wellness regimen in the specially designed booths the Nescafé Body Partner selection prepared for them.

Each of the Nescafé Body Partner coffee variant booth offered a specific health activity that highlight each variant’s benefits.

Women looking for a much-needed relief from stress queued up for the massage booth by Nescafé Relax. On the other hand, guys excitedly prepared for a chance to play a console game at the Nescafé Fit booth. That included the new Nescafé model, Hideo Muraoka, himself a fitness buff.

“It’s great that Nescafé Body Partner is promoting a healthy but still enjoyable lifestyle. Many people have always been intimidated by a healthy routine thinking it meant a lot of work,” Hideo said.

Over at the Nescafé Protect booth, women waited patiently for a chance to have a skin analysis courtesy of L’Oreal.

“I didn’t achieve this skin only through skin-care products. It comes with a certain lifestyle. I need to watch what I eat and drink as well. Good thing there’s Nescafé Body Partner,” said top female model Jasmine Maierhofer, who also took the chance to have her skin checked.

A mix of men and women signed up for the reflexology treatment offered at the Nescafé Lingzhi booth.

The Nescafé Body Partner tour was mounted to give more people the chance to experience coffee that compliments their healthy lifestyle.

Health-conscious individuals have taken the habit of drinking Nescafé Body Partner selection, thanks to their many health benefits.

Nescafé Protect is a unique blend of roasted and green coffee beans that are naturally rich in antioxidants, enabling it to deliver three times more antioxidants than green tea.

Antioxidants help fight free radicals that are known to cause oxidative stress, which is the main cause of aging.

Known for its soothing and de-stressing benefits, Nescafé Relax is a complete decaffeinated coffee mix with natural chamomile extracts.

Nescafé Fit is a complete coffee mix that is low in calorie content. It is sweetened with sugar substitute and enhanced with Teavigo extract, a natural diet aid, all thrown in together to help manage one’s weight.

Meanwhile, Nescafé Lingzhi is a complete coffee mix with natural ganoderma extract, an Eastern ingredient known for its many health benefits.

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