Kris promotes White Flower Oil

Kris Aquino has earned many titles in a decades-long career: commercial princess and “Queen of Talk and Game Shows,” among others. 

And now a new title can be added to that list — “Wellness Goddess” — as she promotes the soothing and healing powers of White Flower Oil.

“We have chosen Kris as the new face of White Flower Oil because she is known for always having a good attitude and good health,” the White Flower management said in a statement. “These are signs of wellness and this is what our campaign is trying to promote.”

Kris, for her part, shares that she has always relied on the soothing and comforting powers of White Flower in helping relieve her headaches and joint pains.

“I instantly feel its soothing and comforting effect after I rub it on my head or neck. The White Flower therapy is something that I do especially when I am stressed,” she says.

“White Flower Oil is also a very effective remedy for colds, allergy and asthma,” she adds.

A lot of people use it as well to alleviate pain caused by varicose veins and burns. It is also excellent in preventing bleeding for minor wounds and treating travel motion sickness.

Another thing that makes Kris love White Flower is that it is convenient to use. With its small package, Kris can use it anytime, anywhere. “I always bring it with me whenever I go to work,” she shares.

White Flower is not like any other pain reliever. It is different from the liniments and balms available in market because it does more than relieving pain. It works not only to treat body’s stiffness and aches but it also caters to one’s overall wellness. Through the White Flower therapy, one can easily relax and improve his health. “The White Flower therapy is really a fuss-free procedure that anyone can do anywhere,” Kris says.

The White Flower therapy works by allowing more blood to cross the blood brain barrier. This enables more nutrients to reach the brain and its surrounding areas such as the pituitary gland.

The American Medical Association says the pituitary gland is important because it sends chemical signals to other glands and hormones that have dramatic effects on important body functions.

As such, relieving body pains through the White Flower therapy aids the body to regulate metabolism and bone growth. It also helps certain hormones to stimulate body heat production.

The beneficial effects of White Flower Oil can also be acquired through aromatherapy, the application and inhalation of essential oils from plants. Aromatherapy using White Flower is good for relaxation. The soothing scent of White Flower helps in enhancing mood and relieving stress.

Aromatherapy with White Flower also improves general health because it has natural essential oils that boost the immune, respiratory, and circulatory systems of the body. 

What accounts for White Flower’s soothing and comforting properties is its special blend of eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint oils.

Eucalyptus oil has been known for its anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, antiviral, deodorizing, diuretic and expectorant properties. It has a germicidal effect that helps in treating muscle and joint pains, suppressing cough, and killing bacteria.

Lavender oil has been used for medication because it has anticonvulsive, antidepressant, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, antiviral, deodorizing, detoxicant, diurectic, fungicidal and sedative benefits.

Peppermint oil has also been famous in therapy for its antispasmodic, astringent and stimulant uses.

These three essential oils of White Flower are known to have analgesic, antiseptic, antiphlogistic, and decongestant properties.

The natural oils were combined with wintergreen, menthol crystal, and camphor to add a cooling effect while easing various body pains such as headaches, dizziness and insect bites.

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