Top five tips in finding your perfect home

MANILA, Philippines - In the quest to find a home with a large garden, a white fence and large bay windows, the important considerations when buying a house often go overlooked. These tips will guide you in finding a property that’s perfect in more ways than one.

Location matters

Location, location, location didn’t become a popular saying for nothing. The place where your new home is should probably be at the top of your list of factors to consider. Be wise in choosing the location of your house because it will benefit you in the long run. Think about its proximity to your workplace, your kids’ school, hospitals, malls, banks, and all the other places you visit often. A location that’s accessible to everything won’t just cut your travel time; it’ll save you a lot of money on transportation too.

Think long term

Are your kids at the moving-out age? Are your parents living with you? Do you plan to retire in this home eventually? When you’re picking out a home, always look for one that you’ll be living in for at least five years. Occupying a property for a long time will also keep you from wasting a lot of time, money, and effort that one normally spends moving from one house to another. Also, remember that you're not in the business of buying and selling, so look at the property as a homeowner who wants to give their family a secure future, not as an investor looking to make money off of it.

Check for noise and safety issues

Yeah, you love the house, but do you also love the noise your neighbor is making? Regularly pulling night shifts means being home in the day, so you don't want a neighbor that's making a racket while you're trying to get some shut-eye. Also, find out how safe the surroundings of your new house is by asking neighbors about security issues. If you normally take public transport, visit the vicinity at night and see if the path you’ll be taking is well-lighted.

Be smart; buy what you can afford

Nowadays, there are a lot of really affordable properties you can choose from. Be a smart buyer by staying within your means. This way, not all of your money goes into paying off the house, with nothing left to set aside as savings. Face it; it’s much easier to be prepared for unexpected financial difficulties than having to deal with them as they happen. If you’re buying using a housing loan, consider two or more loan providers and choose the one with the best payment terms.

Look for your ideal type

Before settling for one type of property – a house, a condo, or a townhouse – you need to consider your priorities and needs. If you have a family, you might see a house as a better venue for raising your children. But if you’re somebody who lives a fast-paced lifestyle and needs to be in the center of everything, a condo would be a better option.

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