2 strawberry lines found adaptable in Benguet

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Two strawberry lines have initially been found to have good potential for production in this Cordillera province.

The BSU (Benguet State University) selected lines are Sweet Charlie x Toyonoka (tentatively named BSU-Pierre) and Selva x Toyonoka (also tentatively christened "Agsapa"), an Iloko term for morning).

BSU-Perre and "Agsapa" were among five strawberry lines studied by BSU researchers Dr. Danilo Padua (leader) and Robert Rivera (science aide).

Started in June 1999, the ongoing program, titled "Strawberry Varietal Improvement", is being implemented by BSU headed by Dr. Rogelio Colting, president, with Builders Rural Bank (BRB) (Manila) as cooperating agency.

Other lines studied were Toyonoka x Fern, Selva x Tioga, and Tioga (the control line).

The research program’s initial results were presented at an R&D Review conducted last June 15-18 at the BSU in this Benguet capital town. The review was participated in by research and academic institutions in the Cordillera.

In a report, Dr. Padua and Rivera stated that BSU-Pierre and "Agsapa" have potential for local strawberry production owing to their moderate resistance to mites and even to fruit rot, ralatively good yield level, and consumer preference.

They noted that all the lines tested showed a modest net income.

On consumers’ preference for fresh strawberry, 256 local and tourist consumers selected as respondents were asked to taste the fruits.

In terms of sweetness, "Agsapa" was the most preferred. Like "Agsapa", Sweet Charlie was also rated "very sweet". BSU-Pierre ranked third, followed by Tioga.

Dr. Padua and Rivera projected that the eventual success of the research program could augur well for the expansion of the local strawberry industry. – Rudy A. Fernandez

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