Turalbas get excellence award

The UAP 2002 Design Award of Excellence in Architecture was presented to Architects Antonio and Maria Cristina Valera-Turalba of the Active Group by UAP National President Prosperidad C. Luis and Dutch Boy Philippines Inc. president and chief operating officer Alfredo C. Tabita in ceremonies held April 19, 2002 at the Manila Midtown Hotel during 28th National Convention.

The Design Award of Excellence in Architecture was bestowed upon the Turalbas for their exemplary design to Mount Malarayat Golf & Country Club in Lipa City, Batangas. For an originally conceived upscale residential project, Club Malarayat was finalized by the husband and wife architects to an "integrated leisure, recreation and residential development" that is compatible to the site, sensitive to environmental issues, and reflective of the Filipino culture.

This is the second time the Turalbas received the UAP Design Award for Excellence in Architecture. The first was in 1995 for the design of the Avignon Tower, a multi-storey residential condominium in Salcedo Village, Makati City.

The UAP instituted the Design Award of Excellence for Architecture in 1995, with Dutch Boy Philippines Inc. as partner, to recognize the value and relevance of the works of the Filipino architects. It is envisioned that through this award, the design ability, creativity, and inherent manifestation of artistry of the Filipino architects will be enhanced. It is the objective of the award to elevate the works of the Filipino architects to world-class standards. The exercise further seeks to motivate all Filipino architects to produce outstanding works that upgrade the standards of the architectural profession.

This year’s UAP Committee on Awards was chaired by Celia C. Dizon, FUAP, and co-chaired by Ana Mangalino-Ling, UAP past president Froilan L. Hong, FUAP, UAP past president Richeto C. Alcordo, 1996 DAEA Awardee Yolanda David-Reyes, FUAP, and Dr. Jaime C. Laya, former chairman of the National Center for Culture and Arts (NCCA).

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