What’s in a name?

“We had to fight tooth and nail to have the name changed” said Froy Dytianquin, vice president for marketing services of Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporation (MMPC) during a lull in the global media preview in Thailand of their new winner of an offering in the Philippine automobile market’s sub-compact sector—the sedan version of the presently fast-selling Mitsubishi Mirage Hatchback.

Scheduled to be launched into the local market sometime this October or November, in time for a major public display during the annual Auto Focus Motor Show on November 7 to November 10, again to be staged at the SM Mall of Asia, the Mitsubishi Mirage G4, known t Thailand and possibly worldwide as “Attrage” short for “Attractive Mirage”. Sounding more like “atras” in local parlance, which actually means “to go backwards”, branding concerns came into play and MMPC pushed hard to convince their principals to change the name before it gets to be a liability in the “pun-inclined” Pinoy culture.

And indeed the fight to have a name change was well worth it considering that after an extensive test drive, many international motoring journalists who had the hands-on experience of the Mirage G4 were one in saying that the kind of vehicle that would carry the name appears in no way ever to go backwards. As a matter of fact MMPC is inclined to project a higher sales for the Mirage G4 compared to its fast-selling hatchback sibling on a 70-30 ration in favor of the former despite a projected slightly higher price for the sedan version.    

The Mirage G4 shares the same engine as the Mirage Hatchback, which has equal 77 horses in its 1.2 liter, 3-cylinder powertrain that’s mated similarly to either a 5-speed manual or Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT).

The Mirage G4 is larger than its hatchback sibling but still the lightest among the non-hatchback class in the subcompact category, which accounts for its impressive fuel performance registered in Thailand at 22 kilometers per liter. Its trunk compartment is large enough to fit 3 full-size golf bags and a cabin for 5 passengers.   

Arlan Reyes, advertising and promotions manager of MMPC who played “mother hen” to the more than 30 members of the Philippine motoring media that were flown-in to Thailand was wearing a sheepish smile when he went around just before the test drive asking the journalists to sign a “news embargo” pledge that was required by Mitsubishi Thailand. This is considering that Thailand’s launch was still a few days away and a news breakout would pre-empt their promotions efforts. Of course Arlan knew that it was a futile exercise considering that the Mirage G4 has been all over the net even previous to the trip. As for many of the journalists, what’s a reluctant reprimand for a scoop?  

One of the most visited countries of Philippine motoring journalists is Thailand since many manufacturing plants of major automobile brands are located there. And those who have traveled there more than once are always prepared to spend more time in transport through heavy traffic than aboard test-drive cars. And these hours spend aboard buses together somehow make the bonds of motoring journalists stronger and a lot friendlier making it the one of the most sought-after assignments in most publications and media outlets, not to mention the many perks that come with the beat.  

MMPC’s very friendly president Hikosaburo Shibata, in a private conversation with our media contingent during the dinner tended for journalists and dealers invited to the global preview of the Mirage G4 expressed his deep appreciation to the motoring journalists for coming to the event saying, “I know how busy you are especially nowadays when the auto industry in the Philippines is getting busier by the day and coming here disrupts your daily schedule. And we thank you for accepting our invitation”.  

It’s not every day that some guys in the industry realize that when a journalist accepts an invitation to a trip, a test drive, a launch or just a press con, he or she gets away from one’s comfort zone, disrupts one’s schedule and exerts extra effort to be present—not to mention the work that comes after. We know it’s our job but then there’s always the press release. Ultimately, we still make a choice to be there or not. For those who genuinely appreciate us—thank you. Of course there are journalists and there are journalists—and there are the pretenders and the wannabes.

I also want to thank Canon Marketing Philippines for making us try one of its top-of-the-line professional cameras (Canon 6D - DSLR with HD video recording system) for our TV coverage of the Mirage G4 global preview and test drive. Watch our TV special featuring highlights of the event in one of the future episodes of Auto Focus (Thursdays, 10pm, HSN Channel 13, Sky Cable) to see how the camera performs. 


Voting has started

The search for the most preferred models in every category of sedans, SUVs, vans, sports cars, pickups, etc. and the most popular, the 2013-2014 Automobile of the Year—People’s Choice is on.

Like last year, online votes from the public and the actual sales of automobiles combined shall determine the winners of the prestigious awards.

To cast your vote all one has to do is to “like” us on Auto Focus Face Book account where you will be directed to our electronic voting website. Voting is only up to midnight of September 30 while sales registered from January to September 30, 2013 shall constitute part of the polls.

By the way, electronic raffles of the names of those who cast their votes online that give away valuable prizes (resort overnight stays, mini wall clocks, mugs, etc.) will be held weekly.

Vote for your favorite automobile now and win a prize.


Cars and condos—a new synergy

 It’s final! This year we’ll have a combined motor show and condo expo event at the SM Mall of Asia.

Sunshine Television (STV) and SM Development Corporation (SMDC) are coming up with the Auto Focus Motor Show and SMDC Condo Expo on November 7 to 10 (Thursday to Sunday) catering to the akin markets of automobile and condominium buyers. 

It is strongly believed that this novel synergy would not only create a complimenting convergence of markets of similar economic strata but a convenient venue for buyers as well. And getting them together in a venue like the SM Mall of Asia that has a built-in traffic of people adds greatly to its prospect of success. 

The Auto Focus Motor Show, the country’s biggest outdoor automobile display and test drive event has always been considered by the auto industry as the best end-of-the-year or pre-Christmas sales opportunity. Similarly, after 8 years of staging, buyers have been looking forward to conveniently see and test drive the latest car models available in the country with opportunity to enjoy special discounts and promos during the motor show. 

Watch out for more updates on this much-awaited yearly motor show on this column.

Happy Motoring!!!

For comments (email) motoringtoday-star@stv.com.ph

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