No Take Two: Michelle Yeoh visits RP to promote road safety

MANILA, Philippines - You have seen her trying to escape bad guys while handcuffed to a motorcycling James Bond. You’ve also watched her sprint over rooftops in ancient China. But those dangerous stunts she did with all protective measures in place. And for Hollywood star Michelle Yeoh, being the most famous Asian actress in the world doing life-threatening acts on film would not compare to her present role right now.

You see, the former Miss Malaysia is the global ambassador of Make Roads Safe, a road safety program of the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile. For the past three years, she has been going to every continent to spread the gospel of road safety. She finally went to the Philippines last week to attend a forum and distribute helmets to public school children.

Yeoh said she is elated by her present responsibilities.

“Of all the roles that I’ve played, nothing has been more important and fulfilling as the work that I’ve done in behalf of the Make Roads Safe campaign to improve road safety,” she said at an Asian Development Bank (ADB) forum.

“I am not a road safety expert, just an actress but in my present role, I have seen how road accidents can alter the lives of people and families,” she stressed.

Yeoh said road safety all over the world “desperately needs change” and has to be prioritized. In her work as ambassador, she has met with presidents, transport ministers, road engineers, health workers, community organizers and numerous families that suffered losses due to road violence.

She said road violence is more brutal than the enemies she encountered in her films.

“Of all the world’s dominating villains I’ve defeated with martial arts moves, none has been as cruel or deadly as this epidemic on our roads. This is a killer that robs families of their children, that separates lovers forever, that destroys lives in a sudden blow of violence,” she said.

She urged the forum attendees to take action to improve the road safety situation in Asia.

When asked about her “handcuffed motorcycle stunt” with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in “Tomorrow Never Dies,” Yeoh just laughed and remarked that such was only for the movies.

“That’s fantasy. How can you do that in real life? In real life, we don’t get a second chance. Sometimes, you don’t get a Take Two,” she said.

She also said that she has jumped off buildings for her stunts, but she is scared to cross the street because of the dangers on the road.

After the ADB forum, Yeoh graced the Helmets For Kids event at the Department of Education where she gave away free helmets to more than 200 children from the Oranbo Elementary School in Pasig City. She noted that children are the most vulnerable of all road users, especially when they are put as passengers on motorcycles.

Education Secretary Mona Valisno was very appreciative of Yeoh’s gesture.

“Motorcycles are now the major means of transport for many Filipino families. Children who ride motorcycles with their parents must wear protective helmets,” she said.

Yeoh also visited the University of the Philippines campus in Diliman to lead the ceremonial launch of the future Road Safety Park. She boarded an electric jeepney in touring the UP campus.

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