Young entrepreneur takes business inspiration from dad

The Princess Hazel salon’s manicure and pedicure area

MANILA, Philippines - When beauty salons these days are at every nook and cranny, how will you make your own beauty business salon stand out?

For 24-year-old Princess Hazel Uy, what differentiates her salon from others is the passion and dedication she gives to it. Her determination to make her salon succeed drives her to employ the best people, get the best hair care products and think of the latest promos that will entice clients to come to her salon.

Hazel says it has always been her dream to start her own business and she was already particular on what she wants to start and build – a beauty salon.

 A year after graduating from a degree in Hotel and Restaurant management at the De La Salle University College of St. Benilde, she tried to work in various offices but she only became more resolute to open a beauty salon.

“ I’ve always been a beauty junkie – I believe that first impression lasts. Physical is the first thing someone will notice, so it makes sense to be always at your best. I believe that in every business, you should go for your passion, in accordance of your skill sets and  resources – not just because for the reason of having one,”she said.

Hazel said she became emboldened to start her own business after seeing the success of her dad who’s into the feeds business in Bulacan.

“I took inspiration from my dad,” Hazel said in an interview.

Of course, starting your own business is no walk in the park, Hazel attests. But because she truly loves what she does, Hazel was able to overcome all the hardships and challenges of starting her own business, a salon which she named Princess Hazel.

“Finding clients, how to have a strategic and timely marketing tactics, plus putting into practice an orderly system for the salon and spa were the challenges at the beginning. We had to work double to make a name for our business, through social media and word of mouth referrals,” Hazel said.

For the first few months, they were groping in the dark as they have no steady stream of customers but because giving quality service is foremost on her mind, Princess Hazel’s  quality and good services spread through word of mouth.

In no time, Hazel saw her loyal customers bringing their own friends or walk-ins who have heard or read about the salon on Facebook.

She pointed out that it really helps to be hands on your business. For someone so young, how does she manage her staff, some of whom are older than her? Hazel said she learned how to be strong and independent early on in her life and that helped her managed people.

“I learned to always have a confident and inspiring attitude, especially in front of my staff. Trying and challenging times will normally come, so during these situations, I should be more upbeat and show confidence that we can overcome it together,” Hazel said.

Another important thing that Hazel learned while tending to her salon business is to utilize and use to your advantage the power of social media.

“We had to be creative in all our social media accounts, online and other media platforms. I just proved that if you’re not in any of these, especially social media, you don’t exist. As for the benefits, I just love the fact that I’m able to enjoy my passion, which is why it doesn’t feel like work at all. Fame is there too and it’s an opportunity to show the world that I won’t get tired of being beautiful and making someone feel beautiful,” Hazel said.

To jumpstart her business, Hazel borrowed money from her parents and although she haven’t recoup her investment yet, she’s glad that her salon is slowly growing and making a name in the Quezon City area.

“I’m glad that we’re starting to gain more regular clients and make a name for our services which are helping us pay our expenses, salaries, and plan better for our expansion plans,”she said.

During the one year that her business became operational, she learned to become more independent and trust her own decisions.

“I also learned how to be more sociable. In this kind of business, I get to meet and talk to different people of all levels, which helped me to overcome my timidity,”Hazel said, who is also a professional Belly Dancer under Ms. Jill Ngo’s Goddesses of  Belly Dance.

To young people like her, she advises them to start their own business and not be afraid.

“Go for your passion but know the right time when to start! It’s risky but don’t waste the opportunity. Once you start your own business, you surely have your ups and downs, but the joy of experiencing your own journey of being a startup is both thrilling and a learning experience each step of the way,” she said.                      








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