Filipina brings home global business award

MANILA, Philippines - Driving to North Luzon will not only lead motorists to scenic destinations and tourist spots, but also to some of the best operated and managed Shell stations among 44,000 sites across 64 countries. Behind this success is not the usual suit-wearing tycoon, but a mother who brings the heart and warmth of a home to her business.

Eva Tan, the woman behind Jemsek Corp., was hailed as the Shell Global Multi-Site Retailer of the Year. This recognition is part of Shell’s “People Make the Difference Real” (PMTDR) Global Awards, a program organized to encourage and motivate retailers to ensure operational excellence and deliver consistent outstanding service to millions of Shell customers worldwide.

It is the first time that the Philippines won the award, made possible by the passion of a Filipina. In an arena that is primarily dominated by men, Eva Tan has managed to juggle both her home life and career, besting hundreds of other retailers from around the world. “Words are not enough to describe how I feel on being the first Filipino retailer to get this recognition. I am very grateful and humbled. This award challenges me to continue what I am doing and to strive for more,” says Tan.

Eva and her husband Doyong started their Shell retail business 33 years ago when she was only 22 years old. Her father-in-law was a dealer in the late 1950’s in Guimba, Nueva Ecija and as a young, married couple starting their family, they quickly grabbed the opportunity to have their own Shell station in Cabanatuan. From a single station, they now own, manage and operate three Shell stations.

Unlike other entrepreneurs, Eva did not have formal training or a degree in managing a business.  In fact, she is a nurse by profession. However, Eva had something that not most entrepreneurs have – the heart of a mother. Eva might have even brought some attributes of being a nurse to her business – firm yet caring, strict yet compassionate.

“My staff’s voice is my voice. I always tell them that when they talk to customer, they represent me. Just like in a family, the children represent the values of their parents,” says Tan.

Despite her busy schedule, she diligently sees to it that she visits all the stations and checks on how things are going. Her husband Doyong provides the financial guidance, while she focuses on operations and marketing.

Just like how a mother ensures that her children are well taken cared of, Eva makes sure that her staff are fairly compensated with appropriate rewards and recognition for a job well done. “A good business should give you a sense of self-satisfaction – that you have done well and have contributed something good to the society and to the people you work with.” She even encourages them to upgrade their skills through opportunities such as through Shell’s “Gas Mo, Bukas Ko” scholarship program that provides technical and vocational training to Shell forecourt attendants. A number of Eva’s staff who have gone through the program have been promoted to higher positions in her stations.

Tan’s commitment to uplift the lives of her employees played a crucial role in the success of the couple’s business. On average, Tan’s employees have been with the company for 10 years, some have even been with them for 18 years. Tan says the element that leads to employee productivity is trust. “You earn people’s trust by showing them that you truly care for their well-being” shares Tan. “In return, they do their best at work.”

Keeping an open line of communication is another familial value that Eva has successfully brought to the business. Eva is a mother who is always ready to listen to what her staff has to say. She talks to her staff individually not only to get their feedback about the business, but also to catch up with things happening outside of work. She even offers her home as venue for their company events and parties. She shares their joys and sorrows, within and beyond the confines of the workplace.

Passion and the everyday mission to help others – this is how Eva led her business to success, and this is how she intends it to grow even more. “Life is a constant learning journey for me. I learn something new everyday from my vast travel experiences, book reading and actual dealing with other successful businessmen and women. I get to learn some of the best practices from them. I try to adapt and make these my own and implement locally to grow and improve the business,” Tan concludes.

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