Sun Life introduces multiple risk insurance

MANILA, Philippines - In   the   last  five  years,  majority  of  Filipinos  said  that  medical emergencies,  whether  their own or someone else’s they know, were critical turning  points in their lives.

Out of every 100 Filipinos who get sick, 95 will sacrifice  their  savings  with  more than half borrowing from family members  to  get  through  tough times. These findings were obtained from a study conducted  by Sun Life of Canada (Philippines) Inc.

Sun  Life  of  Canada  (Philippines)  Inc. introduces Sun FlexiLink  Assist,  a life insurance product that provides a complete suite of  life,  accident,  disability  and  health protection benefits, plus the potential for wealth accumulation.

Sun  Life  chief  marketing  officer Mylene Lop said that the study showed  that many Filipinos worry about their health, and that this concern affects their spending and saving behavior because a single serious illness or hospitalization can sometimes deplete one’s entire savings.

“With Sun FlexiLink Assist, the objective is for them to not have to choose between health and wealth anymore, ” Lopa said in a statement.

Sun  FlexiLink  Assist  offers  comprehensive  health  benefits,  wherein a policyholder  can  enjoy  a  stable  source of funds for hospitalization or treatment  of a critical illness which can help lessen the financial burden that  comes  with health emergencies.

As a complete financial solution, Sun FlexiLink  Assist allows the policyholder to accumulate funds for his other  needs.  All of  these  features  can be enjoyed under Sun FlexiLink Assist’s flexible premium payment and paying period, which may be adjusted based on the policyholder’s needs and situation.

“Sun FlexiLink Assist is a health solution that’s comprehensive, complete, and flexible,” Lopa said. “When health emergencies occur, people often find themselves worrying more about their finances instead of focusing on their recovery. With this product, they can be assured of having funds for health emergencies and critical illnesses without compromising their hard earned money or funds they’ve set aside for other purposes. It truly is a complete health and wealth solution.”

This product can pay out a lump sum of up to P4-million per life in case of a critical illness and up to P3,000 daily hospital income benefit for hospital confinement. Aside from this, the client can enjoy life insurance, accident insurance and waiver of premium should any disability occur before the age of 60.

Sun FlexiLink Assist is designed for breadwinners and individuals in the prime of their productivity and who want to boost their funds for health needs because they believe that savings will never be enough for medical emergencies.


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