Veterans Bank opens payroll kiosk

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Veterans Bank has provided a complete payroll package to the Land Registration Authority (LRA). The package includes multi-purpose ATM/ID cards for all its employees, one unit of timekeeping kiosk, three facial recognition units, payroll system software to LRA, and an automated teller machine (ATM), all located at the government agency’s officer in Quezon City. The said government agency will benefit from these as they directly respond to the initiatives of the agency to automate its services.  Maintenance of all the hardware and software shall be shouldered by Veterans Bank. The timekeeping kiosk is a complete HR information system that uses a combined bar code reading and fingerprint-scanning technology a great transition from the manual time in-and-out of its employees.  The timekeeping kiosk can generate customized reports and track employees’ ins-and-outs effectively.

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