EastWest Bank starts NetAccess

East West Bank has formally launched its 24-hour on-line Internet banking facility – the NetAccess, which presents a whole new way of online banking.

The newest in East West Bank’s umbrella of Access Banking services, NetAccess is especially designed to enable individual and corporate clients to do a range of banking transactions – delivering more convenience and functionality – by simply logging on to www.eastwestbanker.com. It is only one of the many innovative products and services the Bank has been offering.

"The successful intervention of information technology, so much so that it has been part of the dealings of corporate and retail clients, led East West Bank to implement what is truly ‘beyond’ banking basics, what is beyond the daily transactions of the bank clients. Thus, the Bank came up with a more specialized Internet banking facility," said Teody Suarez, executive vice-president and chief information officer of East West Bank.

The results of a survey conducted by PC World Philippines to assess the quality of each Internet banking facility offered by six local banks so far showed that West Bank’s relatively new Internet facility was ranked fifth and got high percentage scores for the "ease of use" and "service performance" criteria.

Indeed, unlike other long-existing Internet banking services, NetAccess’ simplified functionality is focused on the individual or entity’s immediate and basic banking needs.

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