FAO seeks stronger actions to address biodiversity decline

MANILA, Philippines — The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is calling for stronger actions to address the rapid and steady decline of biodiversity that are essential for food and agriculture.

FAO said there should be focus on biodiversity as the foundation for food and health and a key catalyst to transforming food systems and improving human health.

In the Philippines, the FAO, together with the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research and partner local government units, has been implementing the “Dynamic Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiodiversity in Traditional Agroecosystems of the Philippines” project to help respond to these issues.

Funded by the Global Environment Facility, the project is working to enhance and promote the sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in traditional agro-ecosystems.

The project is currently being implemented in Hingyon and Hungduan in Ifugao province, and Lake Sebu in South Cotabato province, which are known for their rich crop diversity conservation initiatives and  heirloom farming practices using traditional and natural methods.

“Fighting hunger means ensuring food security through the availability of healthy, safe, and nutritious food. We underscore the importance of preserving heirloom and traditional crop varieties because they are important sources of quality and nutritious food,” said Jose Luis Fernandez, FAO Representative in the Philippines.

“Providing farmers more opportunities to earn higher incomes can encourage them not only to help in conserving agrobiodiversity in their area, but also to continue farming and save agricultural heirloom products,” he said.

In addition to the signature heirloom rice, which are produced by indigenous communities, taro, banana, tomato, ginger and abaca are just some of the products that can promote agrobiodiversity conservation.

FAO is helping communities  get the most out of these products through value-adding activities such as direct selling of fresh taro in wholesale markets, rope making for abaca and food processing for tomato (dried tomato), taro (chips) and bungulan banana (chips).

DA-BAR is considering providing extended support to the Hingyon and Hungduan indigenous communities by increasing farm productivity, as well as through continued product development and improved product packaging.

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