Batangas town needs funds for agri, tourism thrust

SAN NICOLAS, Batangas, Philippines  – Given the necessary funds to support its agriculture and tourism-oriented projects, this fifth class municipality can grow to become one of the more progressive towns in this province.

It is for this reason that the local leaders and various groups are asking the Palace to approve a request made by the municipal council and Mayor Epifanio “Peping” R. Sandoval for the retroactive release of the town’s internal revenue allotment (IRA) based on the Land Management Bureau’s (LMB) approved total land area adjustment of the municipality.

An additional 827 hectares of combined domain in two villages in Taal Volcano islands with around 330 households was added to the town’s original 1,434-hectare land area after the Department of Environment and Natural Resources LMB certified that the town has a total land area of 2,261 hectares based on the approved San Nicolas Cadastre, CAD 725-D and duly approved Political Boundary Survey of the municipalities of San Nicolas, Talisay and Balete which comprise the volcano islands.

The fifth-class town’s present IRA share and other incomes are too inadequate to propel its economic growth, agricultural development, and particularly the potential to become the top tourist destination in Southern Luzon area.

The release of the requested retroactive IRA, since RA 7160 took effect in 1992, would boost the development of San Nicolas, as well as impel its various tourism projects which includes the major improvements on 15th Century Ruins of Taal Church and the Taal Volcano Bird Sanctuary, Pansipit River and Taal Lake Preservation, perpetuation of 1911 and 1965 Taal Volcano Craters, development of 3.1 Kilometer Taal Lake Boulevard and the Establishment of Taal Lake Circumferential Road in Batangas’ third district, among others.

San Nicolas is also renowned for – maliputo, a delectable fish with a firm flesh and a very rare delicacy in Batangas that made their way inside Taal Lake through Pansipit River; tawilis, freshwater sardine found exclusively in Pansipit River; and igat, a long snake-like fish with a smooth slimy scaleless skin believed to have great health benefits caught in Pansipit River and Taal Lake.

As an agricultural town, San Nicolas’ top produce are various root crops, particularly high-variety cassava grown in 130.7 hectares plantation. It is also one of the top producers of delicious tilapia in the country.

Rep. Nelson P. Collantes, Batangas 3rd district, endorsed the IRA request which he said if approved will help greatly raise the classification of the 5th class town of San Nicolas, as well as facilitates the materialization of its lined development projects.

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