3 new sugar cane varieties developed

MANILA, Philippines - Three new high-yielding sugar cane varieties have been bred.

Named PSR 00-34, PSR 00-343, and PSR 00-161, the varieties were developed by the Philippine Sugar Research Institute Foundation Inc. (PHILSURIN), whose breeding station is situated in Victorias City, Negros Occidental.

The three varieties proved outstanding out of the 114,000 seedlings produced from 790 crosses of 250 parent varieties.

They have undergone eight years of intensive evaluation and selection process in 15 locations throughout the country. Yield data were based on 27 plants and 11 ratoon trials in at least 13 sites.

“Planters associations affiliated with PHILSURIN can obtain planting materials of these new varieties from their respective mill district coordinators,” the institute, headed by Director General Leon Arceo, announced.

PSR 00-34 is a cross between VMC 84,194, a variety with good disease resistance, and Phil 89-43, a commercial cane noted for high tonnage (118 ton can per hectare) owing to its big stalks and good germination and disease resistance.

It is fast-growing and resistant to smut and rust, and moderately resistant to yellow spot.

PSR 00-34 is recommended for dry areas similar to those in Tarlac, Capiz, San Carlos City (Negros Occidental), and Bukidnon

PSR 00-343 was produced from a polycross of VMC 84-947, a commercial cane noted for its high tillering capability and adaptability to a wide range of area including eroded and drought-prone areas.

It is tall with fairly thin to medium, cylindrical, brownish purple stalks.

It is a good germinator, has high tonnage (120 TC/ha), yields an averaged of moderately high kilograms per ton cane (2.22 LKg/TC), is highly resistant to smut and rust, and resistant to yellow spot.

PSR 00-343 is recommended in most sugar mill districts, particularly Victorias City, San Carlos City (Negros Occidental), Bukidnon, Davao, La Carlota City, Bago, Batangas, and Hawaii Philippine Company (Silay City).

PSR 00-161 is a cross between VMC 86-550 and VMC 87-599, a variety with disease resistance and a high tonnage potential.

It exhibits good germination, heavy tillering, fast growth, and sparse flowering characteristics. It had higher sugar yield (113 TC/ha) over any of the check varieties in seven out of 12 experimental locations.

It is very highly resistant to rush and moderately resistant to yellow spot.

PSR 00-161 is recommended for La Carlota City, San Carlos City, Bago, Passi, Davao, Bukidnon, and Batangas.      — Rudy A. Fernandez

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