International alliance of agri R&D investors to meet in RP

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is a strategic alliance of investors. 16 international research institutes known as Future Harvest Centers. 58 members including 22 developing and 21 industrialized countries and many hundreds of partner organizations which mobilizes science to benefit poor people.

The Future Harvest Centers of the CGIAR generate knowledge which is helping increase food production, improve health and preserve biodiversity and natural resources worldwide.

Investment in the Future Harvest Centers of the CGIAR through research and development projects helps the poor by reducing poverty, generating wealth and well-being and protecting our environment.

The annual general meeting on Oct. 28 to Nov. 1, 2002 brings together (58) members of the CGIAR alliance in order to exchange world class agricultural research and monitor progress to ensure maximum impact. Over 500 scientists/participants are expected for the first-ever meeting outside of Washington, USA.

Membership of the CGIAR is growing. Developing country members, including the Philippines make up more than half the total membership and is expected to grow. From its founding in 1971 with 18 members, the Future Harvest Centers of the CGIAR now work in more than 100 countries.

The meeting is being held in Manila because of the Philippines’ long term support for the membership of the CGIAR and because of the Philippine’s international reputation in agricultural research and the opportunity to work more closely with scientists and farmers in the region. The Philippines is host to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and an active partner in many of CGIAR projects.

At the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the International community recognized the importance of agriculture in development. Agriculture is central to creating growth and development. Investment in agriculture is critical in the fight against poverty and hunger.

The CGIAR through the Future Harvest Foundation build public awareness and support for global issues related to food security, health, poverty and the environment in the developing world. The Foundation is an independent initiative of the Future Harvest Centers of the CGIAR.

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