The way forward is adoption of ecologically sustainable development.
Sustainable development is "development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own, according to the World Commission on Environment and Development. Ecology is how all plants and animals interact with each other. So when we aim at communitys resources so that ecological processes in which life depends are maintained, and the total quality of life, at present and in the future, can be increased.
Everyone is responsible in making our future ecologically sustainable. The government, civil society and business have their roles to perform. Accordingly, our government has come up with the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD) in 1989. The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PSCD), a convergence of government agencies and the development stake holders, serves as the central think-tank in operationalizing sustainable development in the country. Ecological measures have been initiated/adopted by the DENR in the land, inland water resources, atmosphere, timber and non-timber resources, wildlife, and fisheries and aquatic resources.
The business has its own role in ecological sutainability, producing environment-friendly products, adopting non-or-less polluting technologies and practices, and joining the government and civil society in activities toward improved ecological conditions.
The civil societys role can start in our homes and offices. Reducing electrical, water and fuel consumption, practicing proper solid waste management, planting trees in vacant spaces, minimizing pollution from our vehicle are some of the numerous practices that can be part of our daily lives.
The concept of ecological sustainable development covers a wide spectrum of concerns especially now that we are in the crossroads of development and the population is rapidly increasing. But when all sectors of society resolve to do their respective roles, its attainment is not impossible. In this regard our role as members of the civil society is crucial. Let us start it in our own little way and the larger ones will consciosly or unconsciously follow. Lets "think globally and act locally" so to speak.