CGBP hosts training on performance management

MANILA, Philippines — The Center for Global Best Practices is hosting a special online training as part of its Leadership Evolution Program titled “Best Practices in Performance Management” on Oct. 24, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. via Zoom.

Breakthrough performance management was developed to optimize individual and collective performance based on a systematic approach to aligning employees’ work and efforts with the overall goals and strategies of organizations.

This world-class training will be led by Phillip Ash, author of the books “Breakthrough Performance Management” and “Human Performance Architecture.” He led dozens of consulting engagements involving performance management for clients including Coca-Cola Co., Burger King, Frito-Lay, HP, LG, Bank of Indonesia, China-American Petroleum Co. and Asian Development Bank – where he spearheaded the realignment efforts that transformed its functional approach toward HR to a more strategic focus. With over 20 years as a management consultant, he held principal/ director positions for several international consulting firms including Towers-Perrin, Watson Wyatt Worldwide and Accenture.

This online training is designed to equip attendees with right knowledge, tools, resources, case studies with real-world application and best practices to gain a competitive advantage in the 21st century workplace. Attendees will learn actionable strategies and techniques that can be applied right away.



Registration is open to the general public. For details and a complete list of other best practices programsm visit or call (+63 2) 8556-8968 / 69 or (+63 2) 8842-7148 / 59.

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