Green Jobs Act awaits P-Noy signature

MANILA, Philippines – President Aquino is set to sign anytime soon the proposed Green Jobs Act which seeks to open employment opportunities in the field of green technology and environment conservation.

Davao City Rep. Karlo Alexei Nograles, chairman of the House Committee on Labor, said the measure was to be transmitted yesterday to Aquino for his signature.

Nograles, the principal author of the bill, said through the measure so-called “green companies” or business enterprises involved in the production of environment friendly products, and those that offer services to promote environmental protection and conservation are entitled to fiscal incentives that may include additional deduction of labor expense and duty free importation of capital equipment.

The bill also grants fiscal incentives and tax perks for individuals and enterprises that participate in the creation of green jobs, practice the use of environment-friendly technologies and produce green goods and services.

The incentives shall be determined and administered by the Department of Finance.

With this bill, Nograles hopes to see the establishment of many “green investments” in the Philippines such as those involved in the production of electronic vehicles, solar panels, water recycling plants and even power companies that use renewable resources.

He said the Senate has passed a similar measure through Senate Bill 2893, which was primarily authored by Sen. Juan Edgardo Angara.

 The bill is expected to generate thousands of new jobs because of the increasing potential and viability of businesses involved in “green technology.”

Already, windmills and solar farms are being put up in Ilocos Norte and in Rizal province even before the enactment of the bill. Companies offering to sell “solar electricity” and water recycling equipment are also being put up at a very rapid rate. 

Under the measure, the Department of Labor and Employment is tasked to create a national green jobs human resource development plan which will sustain the transition into a green economy.

 “It shall include programs, projects, and activities pertaining to basic, higher and technical vocational education and training, a database that identifies and links green job opportunities with private and public entities, and information on knowledge and skill requirements of a green economy,” Nograles said.

The bill also seeks to delegate the Secretary of Labor and Employment as an additional member of the Climate Change Commission, as well as mandates the Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education to design and implement the appropriate curriculum in support of the green economy.


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